Ch 3: Ho no no no no. No. NO.

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About a day has passed since Anim came to this world. And so far, he hasn't run himself into too much trouble; maybe he is just meant to be a side character for this story. 
which he didn't mind at all; he and Kaelo were happy and healthy, and with a constant source of income from his new father, he couldn't ask for more. 
Maybe God does exist. Thank you, God, or whoever sent him here. 
"Okay, so I have gotten this... and that... and the sheets of paper." Anim nodded as he smiled; he had managed to put the items in a carry bag. "Kaelo's dog food is kept there as well... Alright, I'll be back in about 3 hours, then I can take you out on a walk before it gets completely dark." 
Anim talked to his dog as if he would understand what he was saying. But the dog would tilt his head to the side and bark, and Anim would just take it as his word of acknowledgement. 
Anim took his carry bag and normal school bag and opened the door. "Alright, take care of the house for me, K?" 
The dog barked again as he sat in front of the door like a good boy. Anim promised himself to bring some special treats for him just because Kaelo looked cute. He was a softy for small animals; he would literally cry. 
Anim left his home and began walking to school. He opened his phone and opened up the Manga series of servamp. He read through the first page and came to the conclusion that the pilot episode has already been done, so there is no chance for him to be involved here. 
He smiled to himself and realised that he would probably see Kuro in his cat form at school. Ah, cute animals are the best, and the cat looked so adorable in both the manga and anime. 
Anim basically rushed to school and walked up to class, basically opening the door and greeting everyone with a smile, "Good Afternoon! I have bought some of the drawings!" 
"Ho? Anim, good afternoon." The class representative said as he approached Anim, the boy got inside the class as he took out some of the sheets of paper and handed them to him. "Here ya go!" I'll probably be done with all the paintings by tomorrow.
The other guy smiles a bit and nods, opening the paper as he widens his eyes, "Anim! This looks so amazing! How long did it take you?" 
The other students began to gather around, and their eyes also glowed when they saw the drawing. "Whaoo... He is really talented." 
Anim smiled proudly and said, "Ho, don't ask me that; I never count how long the drawing took. Ask me how much I enjoyed making it!"
Anim talked to his classmates for a bit, and he felt that some of the students had opened up to him a little bit. Though the conversation didn't last long, he was a bit glad that he wasn't going to stay here like an outcast. 
Anim placed his things down as he began to make some more drawings in a corner, smiling and waiting for the main cast to arrive. 
Soon enough, Sakuya came in. Immediately getting shoved one of Anim's drawings as he was also impressed by it. 
"Yes, yes, boost my lacking self-esteem," he though, smiling more as he absolutely loved hearing the praise. It's been quite a long time since he has last heard one... Anyways. 
"Oi, I heard you made the paintings." Sakuya spoke as he placed his bag down and sat on a chair. Anim looked up from what he was doing and nodded, "Mhm!" 
"Ha, I didn't know the loner had talent." He laughed. "Ha, I didn't knew you were this mean" Anim pointed out. 
"Ah, don't take offence to that. It's all in good fun!" Sakuya chuckled. "But still, your drawings were really good. How long did they take?" 
"Ahhh, don't ask me that. Ask me if I had fun making them or not." Anim chuckled, and he looked down again to draw. Sakuya raised his brows at that and said, "Ho? Why not the time, hm?" 
"Well, I make art for fun. And when you're having fun, you lose track of time! When you are doing something frustrating, you become more and more aware of your time. Time turns into a sloth!" He explained, to which Sakuya laughed. 
"What? Nooo, that doesn't happen!" 
"It does!" 
"No way!" 
"Yes way!" 
The boy continued on and on with their talk. They talked for so long that Anim had already finished his scratch. And that's when something hit him.
Mahiru isn't here yet. nor the friends. 
"Hey, Sakuya? Are Mahiru and your other friends not coming?" He asked, and Sakuya hummed at the question, "Hmm, they probably should be here soon." 
And that's when the other two friends entered the classroom. The headband one looks.... completely fine. Anim's eyes basically popped out of his skull at the scene, saying, "Okay, what-?"
Sakuya and the others casually talk as though Anim has an internalised panic attack. 
"Hey guys, good afternoon!" A cheerful voice called out. It was Mahiru. 
"Ah, good afternoon," Anim said, smiling as he brushed off the worry for a bit. Maybe Mahiru will now mention vampires and everything. and show Kuro. 
He will do it. 
Any minute now

Three hours passed by. 
Nothing happened. 
... Ho no.... 
Maybe it will happen today? But, no, it can't be. The pilot happened yesterday already; Mahiru showed up with those cookies, and the four of them walked home together; Mahiru even went away for a bit. 
So what the fuck happened after that?
Many questions ran through Anim's head as he walked back home. A bit slowly and worriedly, he began to overthink the possible situations that might have occurred. Maybe that magician would act today? Maybe Mahiru didn't go out yesterday? Maybe- 
Anim turned his head to the side, into a narrow ally in which, as you know, some shit always goes down. There he watched a small black kitten, all dirty and wounded. It was bleeding from one of its paws and had bruises all over. 
The tail cannot be from a normal cat. There could only be one creature that could look like that. 
"Kuro...?" He mumbled, to which the cat seemed to respond. looking up at him with weak and lazy eyes, stepping a bit close before collapsing in front of him. 
Anim gasped and picked up the small feline, carrying him gently in his arms as he looked closely at the face; there wasn't even a shadow of a doubt left—it was Kuro. The vampire cat, Sleepy Ash. 
But... what was he doing here... and... like this...

Good Grief. (A Servamp x M!OC) Where stories live. Discover now