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Warning: unedited.


"Do you have any idea of what you have done?"


"Are you proud of it?"

".... Also yes"

Misono sighed with his arms crossed as Anim stood with raised brows and tired expression. The subclass besides them standing nervous, which is reasonable, technically he is being held captive.

"So... I am sure Tsubaki will come to take this kid" Anim explains, Misono raised his brow at that, "well, why? It's just one"

"Tsubaki has shown to consider his subclass as his... Children? Companions. I suppose it stems from the feeling that he too was... Like.. Them at some point in his life..." Anim tried really hard not to make it obvious what he was talking about.

Firstly because of Kuro being in his depression state, secondly because... Plot.

"A- and, the subclasses have also shown that they feel indebted to Tsubaki for giving them this life, only thing they need to do is obey him and they get their freedom" Anim explains another point.

The brains of the group, misono and Hugh considered this as they do agree at that point. "Well... I suppose we can keep him here then... But if what you are saying is true... Then Tsubaki must be furious at the loss of so many subclasses at the concert" Misono says.

"... Therefore... He won't go down without a fight the next we see him" Hugh completes.

A few minutes of silence goes by, as Anim then starts speaking, "we'll see what happens then, for now... Let's call it a day" He waved his hands in a dismissive way.

The guy turned his head, about to address Kuro, only to watch his partner walking away in silence. "kuro- wait!" Anim yelled as he ran after him. From behind Lily sighs as he watched the two, "he came in contact with Greed hm...?"

"A bothersome one.." Hugh says.


"Kuro! Are you even listening to me??" Anim yells a little bit as Kuro walks under a bridge, stopped there as the shadow hides him.

Anim stopped right behind, standing under the direct light of lamp post to the side. "Kuro... I... I know there is something wrong... Please just talk to me..." The guy asked, almost pleaded to him.

Anim could feel then tension around them, an atmosphere which screamed that the servamp in front of him is dangerous. But... If Anim won't take care of him... Who would?

He takes a step forward, in fact a few steps toward, stepping in the shadowed area as he tried to reach his hand out to Kuro, "do you remember when when we tried to have a talk when we were at C3...? I told you I won't pressure you about your past... I still won't... But please... Just talk to me"

Kuro of course, remembers. He remembers it all, but... He doesn't trust Himself to face those things... Not yet.

Anim was about to hold his hand, only got Kuro to turn into a cat and emerging from the Shadow's with a soft meow. The black hair boy only soften his eyes as he watched the black cat walk past him.

"Kuro..." Anim really wants to talk... He is sure they could at least sort this out a little bit but this Feline Fuck won't listen...


Upon the request of Misono and others, Anim and Kuro agreed to stay at their 'super secret and definitely not obvious secret base'

Anim came out of the onsen, drying his hair with the soft towels as he walked on the wooden flooring. Spotting the little lad sitting outside.

"Oi.... What are you doing up so late?" Asked Anim as he approached the subclass sitting outside. Joining him and sitting down. "Oh... Hm... Nothing, I promise I wasn't trying to run away.."

"I know kid. I know" Anim shrugged, "but i would have tried if I was in your shoes" He told honestly.

"Say... What was your name again?" Asked the black hair boy to the silver kid. "It's Lilac..."

"Can I ask you something...?" Asked Lilac as he raised his head from his knees and curled posture. "Why did you cover up for me there...? Because of me you had to part way from Greed..."

"Meh... Don't think about it too much... It's not that deep... Besides, I doubt Lawless would have joined us regardless..." Anim answered, sighing a little bit as Lilac looked at him.

"We... Well, maybe a little unbelievable because what you have been threw; we just want to end this 'war'. Without killing.... I say that but there as been a lot of damage..." Anim sighed, resting his forehead on his palms.

Lalic probably felt the slight frustration in Anim's voice. Anim mostly felt pathetic because of his actions of doing absolutely nothing when up to this point... He knew things.

Now he doesn't even remember what happens  after this. How will he even survive then? He doesn't have his phone which had the whole manga, he doesn't have control over his lead properly and it's sentient because life says F you. Most important of all that Kuro is in his depression phase which HE COULD  have Prevented but... But...

"If... If it's any help..." Lalic starts to speak, "Tsubaki will... Probably send Mr. Higan. He is Tsubaki's Number Two, and quite strong. Please be careful"

Anim looked at him, and chuckled a little bit, "aren't you just a snitch?"

The little boy got a little embarrassed, "h-hey! It's not like that..."

Anim smiles softly as he got up, ruffling his hair as he walks back, "go to sleep. It's a long day tomorrow" Lalic probably was still embarrassed at being called a snitch.

Anim felt a little like big brother for some reason... Meh, he is just that cool ya know?


"Hm..." Anim wakes up the next morning, hugging his pillow tight as he opens as he finally opens his eyes because of the light coming in the room.

He sits up, rubs his eyes as he looked to his side on the other Futan besides him. He expected to see Kuro but... He wasn't there. 'H.. Huh..?' Anim finally had the gears in his head turning, quickly getting up from. His Futan and opening the door to see if Kuro was outside.

"Ku-" *beep beep, banana phone. Be be be-*

'Damnit, should never have put that ringtone' the boy cursed himself as he went back inside. Kuro's feline form at the corner peaking a little bit.

"Hel-" Anim says that phone, only to get a very panic voice Crantz saying, "Bonjour! Bonjour! Do you have any idea where Lawless is!?"

"La.. Lawless..? No I don't know...? Wha... Don't tell me he is missing" Anim says, slightly concerned. "Exactly! And Litch has gone to find him, he was saying he was feeling sick and and-"

"Calm down, h.. How many hours has it been since you've last seen Lawless??" Anim asked, to which he got a reply of a very concerning.

"A.. Around 11-12 hours ago..?"

"... 11...hours ago...?"

There was a small silence between the two. As if a huge lump just dropped on the black hair boy did he realize that things weren't going to happy go lucky from here on out.

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