Ch 5: Error. Error. Ërrør

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"Pisst- Anim? Animmmm" Mahiru pocked his pen on Anim's back in the middle of the class. Anim frowned and just threw an eraser back, indicating that he is paying attention and can just tell what is being said. 
"Why did you give me the cat? I'll keep it, but why?" Mahiru questioned. 
'Because you're the main character, you simpleton' Anim thought in his head as he wrote something down on paper, tore the note, and threw it back to Mahiru. 
Mahiru raised his brow as he read the note, 'Because I have a dog.'
"That doesn't make any sense," Mahiru whispered to him. Anim threw another paper back, saying, 'Yes, it does. Dogs and cats don't get along.'
"Not the most credible statement," Mahiru huffed as he calmed down and paid attention to the class now. Anim sighed as he looked out the window, happy that now things would go the way they were supposed to. 
The school hours went by, and Anim started to pack up to go back home. 
"Anim! You want to hang out with us? Like go to Karaoke or something?" Sakuya asked as he approached him with Mahiru. 
"Um.. I..." Anim trailed off, not sure if he should agree to this or stay out of it. He didn't want to cause more trouble than he had to. Mahiru smiled at Anim as he opened his bag, and two ears popped out of the bag, "Join along! We need to discuss about this little guy too!" 
Did he... 
"You brought him here...?" 
Kuro had his eyes slightly open as he realised that he was finally out of the bag, his gaze falling right on Anim, who stood in front of him. 'Ho... It's the guy who has a wired sleep schedule and a fluffy dog.'
Anim and Kuro stared at each other, with Anim having an adrenaline rush. To snap him out, Mahiru held on to Anim's hand and dragged him away with his friends, saying, "Now now! Let's go have fun. You need to put on a smile around friends once in a while." 
'Should I be happy that the main cast of characters wants me to hang out with them? Or should I fear what will happen next?'
Suddenly Anim snatches his hand away from Mahiru, "I.. I'll meet you there in a bit, I actually have a... Um, little house cleaning left! I promise I'll see you in a bit!" The boy spoke hastily as he stepped back. Nervousness can be seen in his eyes if anyone looks closely. 
"Huh? Alright then," Mahiru sighed and nodded, and Anim dashed away from the group again. 
"He is still having trouble opening up, huh?" The boy in the headband asked as he watched the boy run away. "I only wish things could go back to normal once again... " Mahiru spoke as the other group of friends hummed. 
'I am hungry,' Kuro thought as he chilled in the bag. No fucks are given here. 
Anim didn't exactly lie when he told me he had cleaning work. He did, but he also decided to do it slowly to pass the time. 
He did pass quite a lot of time, and he thought that, yep, it was time to make an appearance as the background character. Hooray! It's so much fun to watch bloodshed and death!
He walked up to the place where the headband guy had messaged him about. whose name he is only now realising is Ryuusei, it took him long enough. Anim read through the manga panels again while he was walking up to the place, suddenly hearing screaming and someone yelling for help. 
Anim looked up, his eyes widening when he saw the scene, Mahiru leaching on to the magician Subclass as he instructed them to run away. which they did, which is a good move for those two. 
The magician bought out his sward, which was about to reach Peirce through Mahiru; Kuro wasn't in sight. 
What if something goes wrong? It went wrong before; what if Mahiru dies here? He doesn't wish for that to happen... 
But right at the moment, Kuro jumped in and took the sword right on his shoulder. groaning in pain but still managing to separate the two. Maybe he threw Mahiru a little too far back because he basically went flying and got knocked by a car. 
"Mahiru!!" Anim yelled as he ran up to the boy, "Are you okay!? Are you listening? Mahiru!!" He yelled as he shook the boy to get him to become conscious. 
Meanwhile, Kuro frowned his brows towards the magician, and the subclass laughed hysterically as he began to speak, "My ho my! You are still standing even after what I did to you yesterday! How did your injuries recover so fast, huh, Sleepy Ash!?" 
"Tch. Explaining is a pain.." Kuro spoke in his usual monotonous tone, feeling stings of sharp pain where he had been stabbed. He knew he wasn't going to die, but he wouldn't be able to protect himself at this rate. 
The magician drew out two swords as he began to attack Kuro, but Kuro was dodging his attacks. He couldn't fight; it was too troublesome. At some point, he was cornered with a sword pointing towards his head. 
"Hahahahaha! Look at the eldest being cornered, and they called you the strongest!" He laughed. 
At that moment, someone threw a thick book towards the magician, knocking him out of his laughter, and he angrily looked in that direction. "WHO THE FUCK WAS THAT!?" 
And then he felt a tap on his shoulder. The subclass turned his head, only to meet with a metal rod getting smacked in his face. knocking him over backwards
"And that's what you call the element of surprise." The boy, Anim, smirked as he quickly went to free Kuro from the corner, "Come on, Kuro! Get out of here!
Kuro remembered the boy. This was the second time he had saved him. "Kuro...?" 
"Yes, Kur-... Shit- you are not named yet aren't you-" Anim realised as he sighed, he brought the vampire over to a corner while the magician was whining over his pain. 
"Okay, whatever. You get out of here with Mahiru" Anim instructed him as he looked up at the taller figure. 
"Too troublesome... And how do you know who I am? And you named me Kuro? Very creative..." 
"Look, you little feline fucker. If any one other then me dies here, I swear I will put an end to your immortal, shut-in life," Anim threatened. 
"How do you even know about that?" 
"L-lucky guess," 
Anim cursed himself in his mind for even stepping on this matter, but now the ship has sailed too far to turn back. Kuro wasn't dumb; he would definitely ask how and why Anim knew about this. 
"So you also know I am a vampire?" Kuro asked as he suddenly whined in pain from the stab wound. Anim held his shoulder just in case Kuro stumbled. "I didn't know about that." Anim lied about that. 
The other things he could lie about, but admitting that he knew Kuro was a vampire—yeah, that won't fly. He was careful with his words, since he basically fucked up on the actions. 
"So here you guys are." The subclass spotted the two as both widen their eyes. The subclass ran towards the two with the sword and tried to stab them like Kababes of a scewre. 
Kuro quickly grabbed hold of Anim's hand and made the two dodge the attack. "Can't you just leave us alone, you tophat!" Anim yelled as he still supported Kuro. 
"Tophat!? This young person doesn't appreciate a good theatrical performance!" The subclass faked crying, "Yeah, okay, boomer." Anim huffed and looked towards Kuro, "Can't we do something? If this goes on for longer, then we might just end up dead!
"What do you expect me to do? I haven't had a drop of blood since centuries; I am too weak," Kuro said. 
Anim knew where this was going. He didn't want to do it. 
"Yahoo!, Little Youngster, and Sleepy Ash!" The magician called out to them as they turned their attention towards him. Anim widen his eyes as he saw Mahiru's unconscious self dangle off a thin ribbon and the magician holding one of his swords to his neck. 
"Now now, if you don't hand over that sleepy cat to me, this boy right here well be the one to sleep forever." The magician laughed more, as Anim could only watch in horror. 
He gulped; he didn't want people to die... He.. he can't.
"Kuro, I am sorry." Anim mumbled to him, which confused Kuro a bit, but Anim just shoved his hand into his mouth, making sure that the fingers at least brushed against his fangs. Kuro was so taken aback by that move that he managed to bite down on it and suck the blood. 
Anim yelped in pain as he quickly took his hand back, a trail of blood dripping down his finger and Kuro's lips. Kuro licked his lips as the blood flowed into his system. 
And a contract was sealed. 
Just like that Kuro had a chain in his neck, which was linked by Anim's wrist. Kuro mumbled, "How troublesome..." As Anim rolled his eyes at the comment,
"I couldn't agree more." 

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