Ch 20. C3 and Another.

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ps. This a long ass chapter.
Also, I had to skip a lot of things from the manga just to get here. So I kinda followed the Anime(?) But also sprinkled manga and a few things self made.


"Oh, my god. Another child."

"You disgusting little stinky mortal imp, you dare call me a child?! I am older and more mature then you or any of your guardians could ever hope to be!"

"anyone shorter then my height is automatically a child. Welcome to the list fella"

Anim processed to take the top hat of the little child vampire, he then wares it and walks away with it. Just to annoy the little shit ya know? Gatta do it, and this vampire could just... Like run faster or whatever. Like- just fly, your literally a bat. But nope, he just runs behind like a child.

In all seriousness, Hugh is just a child... A very very old -sort of bratty but not really- child. Natural for the servamp of Pride.

Currently in Anim's apartment. The small space now feels a little too crowded with like... 3 humans, 2 vampires, 1 coffin, and 1 dog. (Y'all have better not forgotten about the baby)

"Ugh, you humans have evolved to keep animals around in the house? Look at this beast. Rolling in the couch as if it's owned by it" Hugh comments as Anim stands by the vampire's side, "I wouldn't disagree. But let him chill"

Anim sits on the couch besides kaelo as the dog rolls over to show it's belly for some belly rubs. Which Anim Delivers, very lovingly.

"You really keep a dog around when you own a cat? Very bold" Testu says as he was holding Kuro in his cat form up... With a towel saying Onsen on his head. ~advertising~

"Yep. And Kuro likes Kaelo" Anim chuckles, "they besties"

"No. No we are not." Kuro grons as he gets away from Testu's hold and on the dinner table opposite to him, Hugh joining them on the table too as Mahiru puts down a meal for everyone.

"This feels more like a family get together then discussing the matter at hand." Mahiru makes a passing comment which Hugh clearly ignores by saying, "let's eat first. Everything smells so good!"

Did I mention this little Flying eutherian mammal has a catch phrase? "A true vampire" And then he starts yapping about random stuff? Pretty cool.

Some weird chit-chat later. Testu decided to join the team so, hurray.

"Since you guys are dead set on the idea, I'll just contact Lily and Mikuni about it." Anim says as he approached the dinner table with the phone in his hand. Already typing on it as everyone enjoyed their meal.


A new day.

And the school was already over as the bell rang to dismiss the children. Anim walked besides Mahiru as he says his bye's to his other friends.

"Summer vacation eh? I'd say that's quite the convenient timing" Anim starts as he puts his hands behind his head, stretching out the slight drowsiness he felt because of the Economics class.

"I know. It's almost... Too convenient" Mahiru chuckled as Kuro's head pops out of Anim's bag saying, "almost like in a manga"

Anim almost chocked up on it. Stretched too hard that he almost had a muscle pull.

'This danm cat-' Anim had... Sort of noticed that Kuro has started to catch up on Anim's weirdness. But Anim can't understand why Kuro hasn't asked anything yet. Like... Just ask him already danmit??

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