Ch 24. bla bla bla- by Shakespeare.

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A/N: I am so sorry it took me this long to come back :(

But... I am in my last year of high school now ✌, I mean, will start soon but yeyeyeyeye-

Well, it's been a while since the Lily/Misono incident. Things happened, everything is okey in almost everyone's life for now.

Anim has an understanding with his new mother now, he could even drop his little pupper with her, safety reasons of course. Unless Tusbaki finds them and tries to kill them or use them as bait against him which we all hope won't happen-

Kuro was well... Kuro.

Misono and Lilly have been doing fantastic, but still quite weak now due to the incident.

And another news that got to Anim was someone in the C3 turned out to be Tsubaki's ally. A female and she seemed to took some items with her.

'Well, that explains the 'Thank you' even more...' Anim thought in his head as sat with his arms crossed as everyone engaged in their chaos. Well, since everyone has decided to make Tetsu's home as their base or something, we could only sit and wait for something to happen.

For now Mahiru suggested that we find more Eve's and Servamp's and thus why Hugh is out and about collecting information from his other subclasses.

"Man... The steam bath was great..." Lilly says with a smile as he re-enter's room, along with Kuro by his side.

"Eh? We are in such a difficult situation here and you guys are still not serious about it!?" Mahiru yelled a bit to which Lily just chuckles, "it's just a little power degrade, it's okay~"

"No it's not!" Mahiru and Misono said in Unison.

Meanwhile, Kuro made over to where Anim was sitting, as he turned into his feline form and just plopped on to Anim's lap.

"Pat me." He says, "people are so noisy here"

"Heh... Tell me about it" Anim did a small amused chuckle as he patted the feline as told.

"I am surprised you didn't yell at me" Kuro asked, as her turned over to his belly and looked up at his Eve.

"That's cause I didn't expect much from you" Anim answered, shrugging his shoulders, "however... Please be careful from now on... It's going to be rough..." He warned in a low and slightly serious tone.

Kuro was surprised, it's not new for him to see Anim being serious but this time he was directly serious... Maybe he should listen...?

"Oh I will... I don't wanna catch you while we land on some roof again... That hurted my back for three whole days" Kuro shrugged it off as a joke, laying properly like a feline on the lap.

"Oh poor poor you." Anim just rolled his eyes as he  continued to pet. All in all, the little warning Anim gave came from the slight feeling that the Servamp of Greed chapters would start showing it's ugly head any moment now.

And we all know what happens then.

Soon enough, Hugh came flying threw the sliding door and sat on his eve's lap like a child, as he processed to explain about what to do next.

"Well, one of my subclasses have reported me about this strange presence, a guy with an angel wing bag pack-"

"With a random white strand of hair?" Anim completed the sentence which Hugh started, causing others to give Anim a suspicious look, maybe one of strange amusement too.

"Hey, don't look at me like that, that guy is on the TV" Anim says in his defense as luckily, when she switched a channel, The said Strange Eve showed up.

Good Grief. (A Servamp x M!OC) Where stories live. Discover now