redeeming love11✨

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Virat got up from bed he wore his coat nd opened the door letting the brezze pass inside the warm room..

" I m going for cold bath "
He said and left..

Sai quickly got up and stared him standing near door until he disappread in woods
She came back and sat on bed..
..he left for bath in this cold night..

" Had she made him feel dirty by her touch"?


Virat went near that cold stream.. Watching his
his flushed face reflection  on water which shows the undeniable desire he needs...
With a deep sigh he knelt nd sat silently, the cold wind 🌬was digging on his body causing goosbumps

He bended silently nd splashed the flowing water on his face..
Thrice... Nd he lost counts how many times he did...

Soon Unbuttoning his shirt nd pant he jumped in the icey water which was so cold to frezze him but virat's body had enough heat of desire nd excitement not let him get affected  .............


Sai sat on bed waiting for him when her eyes fall on wooden tub..
Discarding her clothes she stepped inside the warm water kept on tub...

Rubbing washing her skin vigoursly again and again...
She scrubbed her hair nd pored the water down over her to rinse nd then stepped out......
Yes he was right.. She didnt feel good by letting him touch or kiss
How easily he penetrates in her thoughts now..
Wrapping her hair on towel she wore dress nd sat near the fire.. Sai's long silky hair was tangled nd mess she tried to free her knots of hair by fingers while looking towards the door waiting for him....

One hour went nd finally the door opened... Sai glanced at him..
His dark black hair was wet....
It didn't take second  for her
to realise that he bathed in icy stream....

Looking down sai again started opening the knot of wet hair by fingers when the comb drop on her lap.....

Vi: ye lo....

Her throat closed up.. His voice was rude to her for the first time... Looks like her actions gone terribly wrong on him....

Silently sai took the comb nd started brushing  through her hair aware of his. Moment....

He was sitting on bed looking down on floor... His silence was eating sai..
Should I say sorry for my actions?..
He is upset..
Sai was fighting with her inner self until he broke the silence

Vi: jo bhi tumne aaj kiya vo dubara repeat mat karna, Until u had true emotions for me !

Sai felt the seriousness in his voice as his gaze flickered down on her....

He looks pale and tired, putting the comb near table she looked towards him..

" I won't mister "
She said nd meant it....


After eating meal....
Sai watched him washing the plates...
Slowly minimizing the distance she leaned near him..

Sa: kal se mai utensils saaf kar diya karungi..

He gave a slight smile ...

Vi: aaccha?... Aur agar tumse plates toot gyi to....

Sa: mujhpar itna bhi bharosa nhi hai mister? ...

Vi: tumse jyada bharosa to mujhe apne dog leo par hai......

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