redeeming love14✨

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U can find chapter little rushed..


gnore mistakes.. 🙏😁


*Virat could see her face in moonlight He didn't know what she was thinking
But he realised she is traumatised by her past

He reached out to touch her cheek, sai silently closed her eyes feeling his warm finger rubbing on her

" I wish, I could erase your past "

Sai looked at him nd saw the sheen of mositure in his eyes
" R u crying ?...for me "?
She said weakly

Don't u think you' re worth it?....

Her heart started beating rapidly as his fingers traced down on her soft lips
His tears r affecting her...
Sth inside her cracked
she is trying hard to escape that feeling, .......the feeling of being in love... ..

Talk to me, sai... He whispered lightly touching her shoulder
" Don't let your heart bleed "

I don't want to share... "
Sai replied bluntly still gazing to the full moon.

Virat smiled slightly cupping her face tenderly
" Look in my eyes"
She lifted her eyelids nd their eyes meet up
" Now tell me what u r feeling right now "

Her voice cracked, she pushed his hand away from her shoulder nd went near the burning fire

Virat silently followed nd sat beside her on the floorWatching quietly as sai drew up her knees nd hugged them against her chestHe knew she will again refuse to share her feelings

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Virat silently followed nd sat beside her on the floor
Watching quietly as sai drew up her knees nd hugged them against her chest
He knew she will again refuse to share her feelings. But he was more determined then her

" Whatever causing u pain, just give to me " He whispered crawling little close to her

Surprised, sai looked at him
His eyes reflected similar pain like her
She always desired someone with whom she can share her agony, affection nd past...

U wanted to do sex with me...?...
His expression changed with the question she popped
Sai eyes followed his hand as he took a strand of her hair nd rubbed it between his fingers
She felt strange as he didn't replied..

Virat sighed inwardly, he knew sai is still stubborn,
he do desire her,
she is his love,
his wife,
He wants to sleep with her
but the fear she will again mis interpret  stopped him from answering...

The fire crackled
, sai put her forehead against her raised knees , the sound of winds was relaxing her

" I wanted to die virat"
She said listneing to the soothing sound of burning wood
" I couldn't wait, just when I thought now I want to leave this world, I met u.... "

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