redeeming love13✨

554 72 48

Word count : 2355 🥲😗😶


Sai wanted to get out of his embrace but as she tried
he pulled her more close nd
for the first she felt his harden manhood against her..
Even he has desires from me....
Her mind thought....

It began slowly, hardly noticeable, the starts grew smaller nd smaller nd the black velvet sky softened
leaving his warm embrace,
Sai finally stood up
she stared the sky, everywhere it's pale nd yellowish , gold streaked a red nd orange sky...

Many times Sai has watched the early mornings but within the walls nd being caged inside room, but never like this, the cold breeze 🌪 touching her face,
she has never seen sth so beautiful,
the morning light spilled slowly over the sky
nd the icey hills 🏔

Sai was busy capturing the nature's beauty when she felt a pair of hands on her shoulder
"That's the life u can have with me"

The sunlight was so bright it hurt her eyes , blinding her to see the view
Sai again felt virat's
lips against her neck
" That's the life I m offering u "
His breath was warm against her hair
" The life full of bright lights, no sign of darkness, nd no pain of past
He put his arms around her nd held her back against his
" pls try to move on, with me"

Sai felt heaviess building inside her ,
He has preety good words to impress her, but words aren't real life! Nd her real life isn't easy... "

Not one even thousands dawn can change nything, u can't erase your past!
Nd that's universal truth..
Sai remebered the words of vaishali
" Whoever will hold your hand, will leave u on bed!

Her mouth curved into sad smile, her heart ache for virat, maybe he meant every word but still she can't trust him! Even if she did,
her haunting past will never
let him be in peace!


Virat felt change in sai, after the incident the change which he surely isn't liking!

Sai started working with him, he didn't argued but also hated it!
He didn't married her to see her working everytime , he wanted sai as part of his life---part of himself...

Every NighT goes on trial,
He layed beside her breathing her scent until he dodged of In sleep 😴
Though sai again made him clear
He can feel her, she won't resist

Looking in his eyes, sometimes she even took off her all clothes nd lay beside him.....
His mouth get dry everytime seeing her curvs merely covered with quilt
Still he closes his eyes waiting for her heart to soften.....

Soon 4 months passed ..
Sai 's nightmares continued to haunt her, she often awakened shaking, her body drenched in sweat, but when he try to console
she didn't let him touch for that;
Only after sai layed back to sleep he eases his arms around her nd gently tuck her close to his chest nd then she
Relax in his embrace
virat knew
That in some deeper level she do feel safe with him...

It was small satisfaction when the natural needs of his body was driving him crazy! .
Often while sleeping his mind would creates picture of them making love....
He tried to shut that image, but couldn't!

The frustration was crossing limit! .
How much he has to wait for her to accept him? .
6 months? 1 year? Or whole life!

" What do i do?
IrritatingIly he sat near his field
I m going crazy now!
She is expecting too much from me, or I m expecting too much from her, ?
At least she can call me " Virat " .
Rather than that stupid word" Mister"
I m not a stranger to her!
Or m I still?

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