redeeming love12✨

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Quick recap for readers:

Sai is prostitute, virat married her nd rescued from meadow mansion, sai call him " MISTER" nd want to satisfy him physically so that she can pay his debt nd can leave him, while virat wants sai to accept him as his husband..
Here we see in MIDNIGHT virat took sai in jungle
Sai refused to walk with him nd now she is lost!

... <----««༶•┈┈⛧┈♛♛┈⛧┈┈•༶


Sai turned towards other side but couldn't see the house!!!!

Everywhere it was just greeny, big tress bushes nd darkness.. Moonlight 🌕falling on her face the sound of wolf from every side
surrounded by tress make her even more scared....

With a fear to lost!
Sai turned towards virat..

But he wasn't there now! . ..

Sai can hear a sound everywhere, constant ringing nd humming from all direction penetrated her head
Suddenly her attentive ears catched the sound of horses 🐎
It's coming closer nd closer,
Sai thought to turn left when when all of sudden she saw two English men 🇬🇧💂
Standing with there white horses..
They looked drunk
Being in brothel since years she can easily catch the lust in mens eyes..

Sir I heard a jingling sound here...!!

Sai took a backstep nd unknowingly her anklet again made sound

Even I can hear!
The second english officer exclaimed

This means ny Indian women is roaming here in middle of jungle..
Then we have an opportunity let's relive our all day stress...

A silent scream left her mouth, the memories of pain, torture made a quick flash ,
Sai panicked nd again took a backstep
Feeling dizzy
She was about loose balance when all of sudden virat hold her
" Mister tum..

She choose to stay silent,
Nd within minutes the English 💂 officers left place..

Virat looked downwards nd felt she is shaking in fear
He drew sai close in his arms making her feel the warmth
' u ok"?

Tum mujhe aise chor ke kaise ja skte ho! ?

In reply he tipped her face up, nd kissed her forehead gently
" Mai kahi nhi gya tha...
He stared in her scared orbs
" When u love someone, u never leave them alone, when u will understand this?

Sai put her arms around him nd pressed closer
If u love me mister, take me back,
we will be warm nd comfortable in bed,
I will do
Whatever u want..

Bilkul nhi!
He said rougly, fighting his response to her
Chalo abb mere sath

She tried to hold him back
Pls ruk jao , mujhe andhere se darr lgta hai!
Whenever I m in dark I got reminded of....
She stopped

Of what?

Of sth which happened years back with me...
He waited nd she bit her lips,
sai dont want to talk about that horrific incident
Nor about that dark nights when the forest was filled with her screams but no on came to help her..
" Mister mujhe vapas jana hai"

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