Chapter 2

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Present day.

Steve left again to finish his mission, but this time you went with him, which he didn't know. You followed him on a plane, which ended up crashing and you were both frozen for 70 years.

S.H.I.E.L.D. found you both and because you got a bit of the serum in you, you were still alive.

The whole Avengers thing happened, and now you live with them at the compound. You've gotten close with most of them, but even though you see them all as family, they still treat you like their little sister - despite you being one of the oldest.

You also have a boyfriend now. It took many years to get over Bucky dying but eventually you started dating again, and then you met Luke. Steve never liked Luke, but you have been together for a couple of years, and you kind of accepted the fact that you will never find someone like Bucky.

You started getting into computers and you quickly became the Avengers' IT-nerd. While they were on missions, you were sitting at home - in safety - checking the surveillance and keeping them updated.

One day Steve, Natasha and Sam went on a mission. They briefed you shortly about this Winter Soldier who was causing trouble around the town and then they left. You're now sitting at the computer making sure to keep them safe during their mission.

While they're all three driving, they're suddenly attacked by a man with a gun. He's hard to get rid off so Natasha and Steve tries to fight him off.

You can hear some commotion and crashing before Steve confusingly says, "Bucky?" and you widen your eyes.

"Bucky? What do you mean, Bucky?!" You yell to Steve, but he doesn't answer.

You sit in silence while you're listening to what's going on.

"Steve, explain to me what the hell is happening" You yell again.

"It looked like Bucky. I don't know" Steve answers confused.

"Like a living being?" You ask.

"Yeah. But he didn't recognize me.. Maybe it wasn't him" Steve says.

The others are talking together, while you're listening. They're agreeing on trying to rescue Bucky.

"I'll join you" You say.

"No, Y/N. It's too dangerous. You'll stay put while we check it out" Sam says.

You roll your eyes and fortunately no one can tell.

"Are you still working?" Luke asks, interrupting your work. You nod while looking at the screen.

"I don't care. I'll come to you. I want to be there to rescue Bucky, if it's him" You say.

"Y/N, do as you're told" Steve says.

You cut off the connection to them in frustation and you throw your ear piece away.

"You're done working now?" Luke asks eagerly.

"Yeah, but I'm not really in a good mood" You say with your head buried in your hands.

"Do you wanna watch a movie?" He asks.

"Not reall-"

"I was thinking Waterworld" Luke says, interrupting you.

He drags you over to the couch and sits down. You join him on the couch. As the movie starts, your thoughts are racing in your head.

A few weeks passes and Steve lets you know they're coming home, but he didn't answer, when you asked about Bucky.

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