Speaking with Principal Rivers

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When Tori came by, she laughed at me again. Then, a lot of others came over too.

"Aww, is that your love letter to Freddy?" she asked in a mocking tone. "And, is that a Sonic plushie? Ew! You love that blue hedgehog?"

I immediately put the letter back in my binder and put my binder and my Sonic plushie in my backpack.

"Please, leave me alone," I said. "I don't even know Freddy and I don't have a crush on him."

"What are you gonna do about it you fragile little kid?" she asked. "You gonna cry?"

I felt so scared at this point. I felt like I was going to burst into a crying attack, but I still bottled it up. I can't make myself look like a fool and have people call me a crybaby.

"I never cry. Now please just leave me alone," I said.

"You can't tell me what to do," Tori said. "I run this school."

I was so scared, I decided to hide in my locker.

"Aww, the baby's cwying in her locker!" Tori yelled.

Everyone laughed once again. Eventually, though, everyone walked off.

By this time, the bell rang for us to start heading to our classes for period 5. I just wanted the day to be over already. I had both Paula and Maddie with me in my period 5 class. I made my way there along with Paula and Maddie.

Class seemed to be going ok, but people were still snickering at me. I tried to focus on my assignments for the day. But in the middle of doing that, the office aide came by my desk.

"Principal Rivers wants you in her office right away," the office aide said.

I had no idea what this was about, but I was hoping that I was not in trouble. I got up and proceeded to Principal Rivers' office. I eventually got to her office and stepped in.

"Have a seat, Lynn," Principal Rivers said.

I took a seat and waited for what would happen.

"I understand the situation happening right now regarding your birthday, right?" she said.

"How do you know about it?" I asked.

"I was walking through the halls on my way here to my office during lunch when I noticed 2 students and others laughing at you," she said. "I also noticed how they were trying to pair you up with Freddy."

"I don't even know who these girls are," I said. "They told me they were walking past my house yesterday when my parents were talking about it, and now they exposed it to the whole school."

"Have you talked about your birthday with your therapist Dr. Lopez?" she asked.

"Of course," I replied. "I can't get over it, and I hate Valentine's Day in general."

"I can try to look up both students on my computer," she said. "What are their names?"

"Tori and Jadyn," I said. "I didn't get their last names, unfortunately."

As Principal Rivers was searching for Tori and Jadyn's student records I decided to ask her something.

"Principal Rivers?" I asked.

"Yes, Lynn?" she responded.

"Did you see the girls doing anything else to Freddy?" I asked.

"I haven't yet," she replied.

"I did see the girls and others still calling him names during lunch and he hid in his locker," I said.

"Ok, I'll call him in after I send you back to class so I can get his side of the whole story," she said.

After about a minute, she got something.

"Ok, I think I found them," she said. "Victoria Jones and Jadyn Anderson are what I found."

She showed me the pictures and sure enough, It was the 2 girls who started this whole ordeal.

"That's them," I said. "Is there anything you can do about the whole situation?"

"Normally, I'm not the best at making decisions," she said. "I'm not really sure."

I was not hopeful about this. I still had the cheer competition.

"I can try to call your parents and let them know what's going on," she said to me.

"I guess you can try, but they're both at work," I said. "My dad is especially busy right now with it being Valentine's Day. He has lots of reservations at his restaurant today."

"Ok," she said. "If they don't answer my call, I'll still leave them a message letting them know about the situation."

I still was not hopeful at this point.

"Well, I'll let you go back to class now," she said.

"Thanks for trying to help," I said as I walked out.

"You're welcome," she said.

I stepped out of Principal Rivers' office and proceeded back to class. I couldn't say anything because I didn't want the girls to do something to me.

I got back to class and I continued with my assignments for the day. Eventually, period 5 was over and it was the end of the school day. The day itself wasn't over for me.

After school, I met up with Margo, Paula, and Maddie after this. Maddie's not on the cheer squad though, as she wasn't interested in joining. She was going to watch us in the competition. Speaking of Paula, she finally got her cast off. Her leg has completely healed.

"Hopefully nothing goes wrong during the competition," said Magro. "We have less than an hour until 4:30 when it starts."

We had been practicing the routine for a while now. Everything seemed like it would go fine.

"Good luck you guys," said Maddie. "I'll be watching you guys in the competition."

We made our way to the gym to prepare ourselves.

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