The Car Trip

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Right when I got back home, I got a phone call from Dad. I answered the phone.

"Honey, are you ok?" he asked frantically. "Luna and Luan showed me the videos!"

"Yeah, I'm ok," I replied.

"I'm canceling the party," he said. "You can go celebrate with your friends wherever you want to."

"Thanks pops," I said. "I'll see you when I get back home."

"Ok, have fun with your friends," he said. "Bye."

I hung up the phone and I went to my room to get ready. I left my backpack and all of my school stuff next to my desk. I then proceeded to the bathroom to change into my new outfit. My new outfit consisted of some jeans, a Sonic shirt, and my red hoodie. I then went back to my room to get my bowling ball and bowling shoes. I put on my regular knee-high socks and my black Adidas shoes.

Then I did something I don't do quite often. I decided to undo my ponytail and let my hair come down. I do this sometimes before I go to sleep, but rarely do I ever have my hair down when I'm in public. I love having my ponytail up but I figured it was time for a change.

I then went to the living room with my stuff and waited for Margo's mom to pick me up. As I was waiting, I saw something hanging on the door knob. It was my new birthday dress. I definitely did not want to wear it. It had 2 hearts and a red ruffled skirt. You could tell that it was a Valentine's Day dress. I was not letting anyone force me to wear it.

Eventually, Margo and her mom arrived to pick me up. I took all of my bowling gear and put it in the trunk of their car. I then got in the car and we were ready to go. I've never met Margo's mom before so I introduced myself.

"Hi, Ms. Roberts," I said to her.

"Nice to meet you, Lynn," she said.

"Ready, Lynn?" Margo asked.

"Yep," I replied.

"We're gonna pick up Freddy," she said.

"Ok," I said.

We then drove over to Freddy's house to pick him up. When we got to his house, he was already waiting for us. Then, I saw something surprising. He had some bowling gear too. He put his bowling gear in the trunk and got in the car. He then greeted Margo's mom.

"Hi Ms. Roberts," he said.

"Hi Freddy," she replied. "You ready to go?"

"Yes," he said.

We then began the drive to Auburn Hills. Paula and Maddie were gonna meet up with us at Round 1 as they were riding with Paula's parents. While we were on our way there, I decided to have a conversation with Freddy.

"I take it that you like bowling," I said.

"Yeah," he said. "I've been doing it for the longest time now."

"What is your average?" I asked.

"Around 160," he said.

"That's pretty good," I said. "My average is around the same range."

"Hey, if you can crack at least 150, that's great since it's half of a perfect 300," he said.

"I like more than just bowling," I said to him. "I'm a huge sports fan."

"That's amazing!" He said.

"Do you have any interests?" I asked.

"I have quite a lot of hobbies and interests," he said. "I'm into video games, animation, high-end cars, trains, amusement parks, and I'm a sports fan myself too."

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