A Private Talk

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At that moment, I remembered Freddy told us that he moved over here with his aunt because of family problems. It was at this point that I knew what he was talking about. I needed to talk to him about my family situation and why Lincoln and Lucy moved out.

"Hey, Freddy?" I asked. "Can I talk to you privately?"

"Sure," he said.

"We'll be back," I said to the others.

We walked into the outlets. My hands were getting cold so I put my gloves on. I had them in the pocket of my hoodie just in case because it was still winter and it was pretty cold. We eventually sat on a bench in front of a store.

"What is this about?" Freddy asked.

"I don't know how to explain this but, when you mentioned that you moved over here with your aunt because of family problems, it hit me hard," I said. "I had 2 family members move out of my home over the summer for the same thing. When you also said that you came from L.A., it made me think about the 2 because that's where they moved to."

"Really? What caused it?" he asked.

I pulled up a picture of my family on my phone.

"This is my family," I said to him as I showed the picture.

"Wow," he said. "Your family is huge."

"I know," I said.

I pointed to all of my siblings in order.

"In order, they are Lori, Leni, Luna, Luan, me, Lincoln, Lucy, Lana, Lola, Lisa, and finally Lily," I said as I pointed to them.

"What happened exactly?" he asked.

"Well, just by looking at this photo of us smiling, you'd think we're a happy family, but that is not even close to the truth," I said. "My family has always been very toxic."

"I've never seen a family this big," he said.

"I wanted to talk about Lincoln and Lucy in particular," I said. "It involves them."

"They're the ones who left? Why?" Freddy asked.

"Let me go to the very beginning when Lincoln was born," I said. "I was already 2 years old at the time. He was born in March of 2005. When he was born, I was so happy. I wanted to be best friends with him. By the summer of 2007, shortly before Lucy was born, he had left my parents' room and he was going to share a room with me. I was just so excited to have him as a roomie."

"How many rooms do you guys have?" Freddy asked.

"We had 5 rooms and there were 6 of us, so Lincoln was going to stay with the second youngest in the family which was me," I said. "Even at 2, he loved me right away. I knew that this was only the beginning of a great relationship with him. My older sisters never really played with him and just ignored him, but he was very special in my eyes."

"How did things go?" Freddy asked.

"We hit it off right away," I said. "We always played with each other and we had so much fun together. He even became interested in my passion for sports. So, I taught him how to do things like kick a ball and how to shoot basketball hoops. But, there were problems when we played sometimes."

"What happened?" Asked Freddy.

"In 2009, he accidentally got hurt on some occasions when we played," I said. "When he did get hurt, I would always help make him feel better and he would always hug me and thank me. We never got mad at each other because we loved each other. It then reached a turning point that June."

"Did something go wrong?" Freddy asked.

"Well, between me and our older sisters," I said. "On our first day of summer break, we were playing tag in our room and he accidentally tripped on my bed and fell on the floor injuring his nose. It was just a bump and I told him he was going to be ok. But that's when our sisters intervened."

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