My Breaking Point

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After the intermission, it was finally time for us to perform our routine. I wasn't ready for what was to come. I was talking to Margo and Paula before we went up.

"I'm starting to feel unsafe," I said to them.

"Let's just try to pull this routine off," said Margo.

I felt like it wasn't enough to keep me from thinking about it.

"Alright, everyone. We're down to the last cheer squad," said Nicole. "This is probably my most anticipated routine since we're here in their school. Give it up for the Royal Woods Ravens!"

"Ready?" Allison asked.

"Ok!" the cheer squad and Allison said, but me.

We took to the center of the gym and prepared ourselves. Unfortunately, things went downhill the second we got into our positions. Everyone in our stands gasped when they saw me.

"Oh my god, it's the Valentine Baby!" Victoria laughed.

"I can't believe she's on the cheer squad!" Jadyn said. "How did I not even notice her cheer uniform before?"

Everyone then started laughing at me once again. I was blushing again at this point. I saw Freddy in the stands and he was cowering in fear. Maddie was there too and she couldn't believe what was happening.

"Quiet in the Royal Woods stands please," Nicole said.

Our music began playing and we started performing our stunts. Our routine consisted of dance moves, tumbling, flips, regular cheer poses, and other stunts. We also lifted some of the cheerleaders as well. Most of us did all the stunts pretty easily. Unfortunately, my fear of everyone staring at me was getting the best of me. I actually tripped a few times while doing my stunts, but I landed normally.

For the finale of our routine, the cheerleaders lifted me, Margo, and Allison. We then posed with our arms as we were being held up. We were held up for about After we got back on the ground, we finished it off with our final poses.

All of a sudden, the moment we finished, I got hit with a pink smoke bomb that was blasted right at me. I started coughing after I was hit. Everyone in our stands started laughing again at what happened. Maddie looked shaken and worried. I saw Freddy hiding his face in his hoodie.

"We did it guys, our plan was perfectly executed!" Victoria said. "The Valentine Baby is covered in pink!"

"It just gets better and better!" Jadyn laughed.

We proceeded back to our seats. I was still coughing from the powder. I couldn't believe what just happened to me.

"Well, that was...interesting," Nicole announced. "I certainly wasn't expecting that finale! Now, it's time for the judges to tally their scores!"

Nicole went back to the judges' booth, and the podium was brought out. I was still getting all that pink powder off me. Eventually, I was able to clean it all off.

"Are you ok?" Margo asked.

"I have no idea who did this," I said. "I hope this doesn't impact our chances of winning the gold."

"No matter what happens, as long as we take 1st, 2nd, or 3rd, we'll still win something," said Paula.

We waited for the results to come out and after about 10 minutes, the results came out.

"Alright everyone, are you all ready to find out the results?" Nicole said. "All cheer squads, please take to the center of the gym."

We were all standing in the center of the gym, and we waited for the awards to be handed out.

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