~Goodnight Dad~

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After dinner, Mateo washed the dishes, Brianna swept the kitchen and Gaten cleaned up the dining room. As the three were doing their chores Gaten voiced, "What the hell was that about, Brianna?" "I don't know what you're talking about, brother," Brianna shrugged. "Why did you lie about 'Teo going on a date?" "I did not lie, you son of a bi-" "Brianna stop cussing for God's sake!" Gaten hissed. The twins agrued like cats and dogs. They acted like this with eachother almost everyday and Mateo was always caught in the mix of their quarrels. He was always a victim of choosing either his brother or sister's side.

"Mateo!" Brianna yelled. "Tell Gaten that you and Noah did not go on a date!" "No, 'Teo!" Gaten shouted. "Tell Brianna that you did in fact go on a date with Noah!" "Oh shut up, Gaten!" Brianna shot back.
The tension in the room was unbearable, thus making Mateo slither out of the ill argument and head to his bedroom, closing the door behind him. Mateo crawled onto his bed, almost passing out.

Just then, he got an incoming call, it was his father.
'Why is he calling me?'
He reluctantly answered his phone.
"H-hi, Dad," he uttered. "Hey, kiddo!" His father greeted. "How 'ya and your siblings holdin' up in San Diego?" "We're okay, Dad." "I tried calling your sister and brother, but neither on of them answered their phones," His father stated. "Yeah they're arguing, again," Mateo replied.
He heard the cry of a baby in the background of his Father's.
Mateo, Brianna and Gaten had a four month old half sister. Their Father had remarried after getting a divorce with their Mother and had gained a child. He never seemed to care much about his children in San Diego and only gave them occasional calls.

After talking about random topics for a few minutes, Mateo felt like ending the conversation. He never felt close with his dad... Unfortunately.
"I have to get some sleep, Dad," Mateo coughed. "Of coarse, Mateo!" His Father said cheerfully. "I'll talk to soon, buddy! Say hi to Bree and Gaten for me." "Okay," he replied. "Goodnight, Dad."

Mateo threw his phone into his floor.
'Geez!' He thought. 'I hate having to talk to Dad. And tomorrow, I'm going to have to talk to Noah! Hopefully he forgets that I even exist.'
And like that, Mateo drifted off to sleep.

*Thanks for reading see you soon! Don't forget to comment and vote this chapter(^-^) New chapters every Wednesday+Thursday!*

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