~Trashing Thrasher~

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The school day ended and Mateo, surprisingly, had a wonderful time with Mahlia during Algebra, English and Spanish.
The two friend later on, decided to go the nearby skatepark afterschool, meanwhile Mateo didn't know how to skate at all.

"Stop shaking, loser," Mahlia chuckled. "I-I'm not sh-shaking," Mateo stuttered. "As long as you don't push me, I'll be fine."
Mahlia gave him a wicked grin. She took a few steps back while whistling. Then, she ran towards Mateo and pushed him, making him swerve around the whole skateboarding rink. He screamed as Mahlia bursted into laugher. "You're skateboarding, Mateo!" She yelled excitedly. "Now stop!" "I can't!" Mateo shrieked. "Get me off this death-trap!"

On the other side of the rink, there was a girl skateboarding and unfortunately Mateo and the girl collided into eachother and both fell back.
"Ouch!" Amani yelped. "Ow!" Mateo cried. "Oh no!" Mahlia ran towards the injured teenagers.
"Dang it, Mahlia," Amani voiced. "Who is this?" "I am so sorry, Amani," Mahlia apologized. "This is Mateo, my friend. And Mateo this is Amani, my other friend."
Mateo looked at Amani with a dizzy brain. She was pretty. Amani was wearing an orange t-shirt and fingerless gloves. She had warm skin and big, brown eyes.
"Well," Amani smiled. "Hey there, Mateo!" She stood up and reached out her hand to pick up Mateo. He smiled back and said, "Hi, Amani! I'm so sorry for hitting you." "No worries."
Mateo and Amani had a short conversation.

Amani went to the same high school as him and was quite popular. She was what you called a 'Pure Kind Soul'. She volunteered at the soup kitchen every weekend and was the president of the eco club. As much as she was an angel, Amani never let anyone walk all-over her. She was head-strong and very prideful, but a delicate flower that was never to be touched.

"Well you seem cool, Mateo," She said. "What's your number? We should totally hang sometime."
Mateo gave her his phone number while beaming. He had never been so social in his life. Or atleast he had never been so successful at making friends before.
"We'll catch you later, Amani," Mahlia waved goodbye. "Okay, Mahlia," She replied. "And, Mateo... I think it's best if you practice boarding before you wear Thrasher again. You're trashing it, bro." Amani skateboarded away into the distance. "Don't take what she said to heart, Mateo," Mahlia playfully shoved Mateo. "Yeah, I know," He sighed. "You still have to teach me how to master this whole thing because I really want to wear Thrasher."

Mateo and Mahlia went to their homes after saying their goodbyes to eachother.

'To day was a good day!' Mateo reflected. 'Maybe San Diego isn't so bad after all.'

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