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I awaken to the sound of something scuffing across a solid surface. When I open my eyes, the campfire under the lip of the cave entrance has died down to a pile of smoldering embers and a few meager flames. We were afraid to start the fire too deep inside the cave, and we knew the snowfall would put it out if we built it in the open, so we compromised. The location we chose provided heat and didn't affect our breathing, at least that we could tell.

Since it's still dark, my first thought is to throw more wood on the fire to get it going again, but then I consider the noise that woke me up. It makes me take stock of the sleeping figures on the ground. Jasmine is beside me, facing me, breathing the rhythmic inhalations of deep sleep. On the other side of her is an empty spot where Chloe had been, and beyond that, I see Hunter, his chest rising and falling as I would have expected. Then I turn to my other side where Isaiah was supposed to be and find an empty blanket on the floor. Jasmine had insisted on putting someone between her and Isaiah, and somehow, I drew the short straw. Of course, what's important right now are the missing people in the cave.

What are Chloe and Isaiah doing outside? By themselves?

I don't want to startle them if they're making out in the cold, but I can't resist the lure.

Quietly, I push to my feet, step over Jasmine's curled up form, and then stare at Hunter. My boot drags over the cave floor, making the same noise that woke me up. Hunter snorts and rolls over to face me, but doesn't open his eyes. Creeping, I take a long stride and lunge over him, feet away from the dying fire.

"I didn't mean to wake you."

I flinch at Isaiah's hushed voice, but he's not talking to me.

"It's okay. I had to use the bathroom," Chloe says from somewhere out of sight. It sounds like both of them are several feet away from the cave entrance.

"Me too." Isaiah matches her whispery tone. "My arm still hurts like hell, so it wasn't easy."

A light chuckle from Chloe.

"You already done?" he asks.

"Yeah. We must have gone in opposite directions."

"I've been thinking." Boots scrape across the snow. Possibly Isaiah's from the heavier grate. "I flipped my coin." He sighs. "Truth is, I've been wanting you for a while now. Can't get my mind off you. When my coin landed on you, I knew I had to make my move."

"What are talking about?" Chloe says. "That stupid dare from the professor?"

"You know what I'm talking about. I know the challenge had to inspire you, too. Right? Make you want to take a leap? Try something new. Someone new."

I step next to the crackling embers and peek around the corner to see Chloe backed against the side of the vertical rock, Isaiah inches from her. He raises his good hand and strokes her cheek.

"We can't. I can't." She tenses up. "What about Jasmine? Don't you care about her?"

"Of course I do. But..."

"I can't." Chloe slides away, scuffing her back against the rocks. "I can't believe this. How could you?" There's a pause as they stare each other down. "I'll pretend like this never happened, and so should you. I'm going back to sleep. Good night, Isaiah."

He groans in frustration as Chloe shuffles my way.

I dash away from the cave entrance, almost stepping onto the red-hot embers. Huffing, I leap over Hunter, then Jasmine, and drop to the ground. Luckily, my feet landed on Chloe's blanket and then mine, deadening the sound. Without looking back, I pull my blanket over me and face the back of the cave, act like I'm asleep. I hear someone enter, followed by the sound of a light thump and brush of a body on the ground. I assume it's Chloe lying back down and pulling her covers over her.

TWISTED ICE (ONC 2023)Where stories live. Discover now