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It has been a week since I graduated college. You would think that, as a college graduate, I would be going out to celebrate with my friends- but no.

I have spent the last week practicing like a machine, dancing until I'm physically sore and cannot do it anymore. The only person I have been with during the week has been Felix. It might sound lonely, but that is really all I need.

The music stops, and so does my body. I hear clapping coming from the side of the studio, and I turn to the sound with a smile on my face. "Felix," I say. "I didn't know you were coming today."

He smiles, coming closer. "I couldn't not come by before your audition." He says, and holds up a bag. "I also brought food, because I figured you wouldn't eat anything all day."

"You know me so well." I say as I chuckle, stepping closer to embrace him.

He stops me by putting a hand on my chest, "No way." He says. "You're all sweaty, I mean look at you." He wipes his hand on his pants, giving me a disgusted look.

"When has me being sweaty ever stopped you from hugging me?" I say, raising a brow. I take the bag of food he hands me.

He rolls his eye, and clicks his tongue. "Don't mention things like that." He says. "I'll give you a hug if you shut up."

I chuckle. I pull him into me, wrapping my arms around him. He does the same, leaning into me. "It means a lot that you came today, I was getting nervous." I say into his ear.

"Of course I came." He says, pulling away to look up at me. "But I don't even think I needed too. You got this. What I saw just now was amazing, so I really think you will be getting into the group. You're really talented."

"Don't flatter me." I say, my cheeks rosing.

He just chuckles as he pulls away from my body. He cringes, wiping his shirt off. "Jeez.." he says, his face turning into yet another disgusted expression.

"I've been practicing a lot, what do you expect?" I ask, before turning away.

I walk over to the counter where the water is. I am trying to hide the fact that I'm going to be eaten alive by my own thoughts. I'm so nervous about all of this. Actually, nervous isn't even the word. I'm almost petrified. I pull out the sandwich and take a bite.

I am so afraid that I'm going to ruin this. I'm scared that I'm not going to make it onto the team, and that the promise I made to Felix all those years ago is going to be broken. I do not want to break it after everything just because I didn't try hard enough.

I think he notices that I am stressing, because when I turn back around to face him he is looking at me with a concerned look. He tilts his head, "Are you sure you're okay?"

I just smile and nod. "I'm fine, maybe a little nervous - but that's nothing." I say.

"Are you sureee?" He drags out his words as he steps closer to me, giving me a knowing look with an eyebrow raised.

I sigh. I place the water bottle and sandwich down on the counter, before looking to him seriously. "I'm sure, Felix." I say. "I'm sure I will do fine, and the promise we made will never be broken."

"Hyunjin," he says, serious now. "I don't want you to beat yourself up if you don't get in. We made that promise when we were kids, so it's okay if we break it. Sometimes things just don't work out how we want, and that's okay."

"But I promised you." I emphasize. "I made a promise, and I will keep it. Regardless though, I really want this for myself." I say.

He starts to smile. He nods, "Okay, then quit thinking about it and get going." He says.

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