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Will you come?

"I can't feel my face when I'm with you." I hum along to the song as it plays from my headphones.

I reach up to the cabinet, putting the cup away before I reach back down to grab another. I'm in such a good mood that I'm actually emptying the dishwasher.

I already did the laundry, as well as wiped down all the tabletops. I might have also cleaned the whole bathroom from top to bottom. Maybe I even organized the fridge again...

I'm stress cleaning.

I woke up to an empty house.

I'm scared of what's to come. After last night, I thought this wouldn't happen again. I am not saying that we fought, I actually haven't seen him since we fell asleep on the couch together. I'm just nervous.

I don't know what is going to happen today. Last night was different though.. it was actually meaningful. I'm just nervous because I don't know what is going to happen now.

Like... are we going to date?

I don't know.

I'm getting giddy at the thought of it.

I can't hold back my smile. It might actually turn into us dating. I can call him my boyfriend, I can cuddle him when it rains, I can make him grilled cheese as we watch movies.

I can't hold back my excitement. I start to twirl, dancing to the song that just started to play from my headphones. If things go right, I might be able to call Minho my boyfriend. I think I like that.

My headphones are suddenly lifted off of my head, and it causes me to freeze from confusion, before it hits me. Literally. I feel a body pressed against mine, and I turn around.

Minho smiles at me, backing away a little bit. He puts the headphones he took to his ear, listening to the song. I just watch. He chuckles, before handing the headphones back to me.

"You're in a good mood." He says, looking at me with a pleased look in his eye.

I can't help but smile. God, he's so perfect. I can't believe I even doubted him. As he stands close to me, his face all happy— I realize we really made it. We finally made it.

"You're back." I say.

He nods. "I am." He says, before backing away fully.

I frown, but he walks over to the counter. It's only then I realize that he brought stuff home with him. I can't help but smile again, my heart feeling like it's about to explode.

"I brought us drinks as well." He says, picking up one of the drinks. "This one is yours. I think it's right..? I don't know. I memorized your order from all the times the team made me order, but my memory might be a bit jagged."

He starts to walk over to me, handing me the drink. "Taste it and tell me what you think." He says, watching me.

I take the drink, nodding. I try to hide the way I'm about to squeal like a girl by taking a sip. It tastes amazing. It's perfect. It's exactly what I like, coming from a guy I think I'm starting to really like.

I swallow, humming. "Yummy."

He smiles. "Okay, I think that means I got it right."

I nod, a smile on my face.

We take a seat on the couch, just sipping our drinks. It's like that for a little bit longer. We sit in silence, doing our thing. I like it. I like the silence, how it's comfortable. It's like we said what needed to be said. I don't think there's anything more to be said, actually.

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