EXTRA: fun facts.

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hey guys, i thought it would be fun to share a few little things with you guys! these include story plans, TMIs and personal things!


1. this book was actually supposed to be longer than it is. i had a plan to make it over forty chapters, however, i did longer chapters. the book would have taken so long to read and write, so i cut some of it out.

2. i don't know if anyone realized or if it shows, but as the book goes on; the smut gets more passionate and slow. i made it this way specifically so it would seem like they aren't rushing things anymore, because they know they will be able to have each other again. :')

3. if the book had been longer, Jisung and Felix would have had a few chapters surrounding their relationship. (i don't know if you guys noticed, but they had something going on.)

4. i was going to make this a love triangle between Minho, Hyunjin, and Felix. the first few chapters were actually written to seem like Felix and Hyunjin had a little something, but i re-wrote them when i realized i would have to pick between Felix and Minho.

5. i lost all motivation to write this story when i was about halfway done with it. i will tell you why in 6, but i also came up with many more exciting stories to write, and lost all hope for this one. except for steamy scenes, and emotional scenes. i love writing flirty and steamy scenes (not smut, but the build up to it) as well as emotional scenes (i like to make people cry.)

6. i went through a breakup while i wrote this book😭 that's why it gets messy in some spots, and why it took longer to finish.

7. the Seungmin situation was decided last minute. i had written and finished the plan i made, and i kind of sat there like... "that's it?"
so with that being said, i came up with the Seungmin thing one day and went with it. i just needed some more drama in this story.

8. i mentioned that i made a plan for this story earlier, right? well i actually changed it up a bit and submitted the plan as a school assignment, and got a one hundred on it😭

9. this story was going to be FULL of smut. there's more smut in this story than my other ones, yes, but there was going to be MORE.

10. going with number 9, this story was going to simply be a smut book. like not even a good plot, just smut. that was because i needed to write more smut so i could improve, and i wanted feedback on it, so i created a story to go with it.
but... i really liked what this story could be and disregarded the idea... 😁


that's all! it's the end of the road for this hyunjin and minho book, unfortunately. thank you for all the support you guys gave along the way. i mean it when i say thank you, because if it wasn't for you; this book would have been deleted weeks ago. i only kept going because you guys were so supportive and told me you liked the story! so thank you, again, and i love you. <3

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