twenty two.

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Don't touch.


The shower is running and I am wide awake. He thinks I am asleep, which is probably why he is taking a shower first thing in the morning. I know he likes to take night showers.

Or maybe it's because we arrived to the hotel room late at night. The memories of yesterday flash through my mind, and it makes me start to smile. I roll around in the sheets, trying to hold back a squeal.

Minho is so addicting. He's everything I want and more at this point. I can't even fathom the fact that I used to hate this man. I was probably just trying to hide other feelings I had for him. I was so stupid.

I think it's happening. I think all the arguments and all the late night sex was worth it, believe it or not.

Because it got us here. It got us to where we are now, showing and sleeping in the same room together. He's offering me the bed while he takes the couch, all because he wants me to feel comfortable with him.

The shower stops, and the room falls silent. I pause, laying still. I listen for something. I don't know what to be honest, it was just an impulse thing to freeze when everything goes silent.

I hear him breathing, like he's catching his breath. It's a little erotic sounding. My stomach starts to erupt into butterflies the more I listen. It's definitely an arousing sound.

The bathroom door opens suddenly. My eyes fall shut, as I pretend to sleep. I wait for his footsteps to sound a bit more distant before I open my eyes to peak out.


His hair is soaking wet, the water drops falling down his face and back. He only has a towel around his waist, holding it with one hand as he digs through his bag.

He turns so I can see his front. I know I have seen him completely naked before, but this feels way different. This feels more sensual. His stomach is toned and he has a scar, but it only makes the whole look better.

I can't take it anymore. I slowly slide the sheets off of my body, revealing my t-shirt and sweats. I stand up out of bed and walk over to him. I'm pretty sure he hears me, but he doesn't turn around.

I step close to him, my chest touching his back. I wrap my arms around him, interlocking my hands at his waistline. He leans his head on my shoulder, and I can tell he is smiling. He for sure heard me coming.

"You're awake." He says, softly. His rough morning voice sounds heavenly.

I nod. "You're wet." I say, pointing out an obvious. He chuckles at that. He takes my hands away from him, holding them as he turns around to face me. "And naked." I slip in, when he looks into my eyes.

I give him a sly smile, my eyes going down to his body. I look back up at his face. I am thinking of something not so holy right now. I give him a look, fluttering my lashes as I tilt my head.

I start to move my hand closer to him, but he stops it. He pushes it away, stepping back. He shakes his head, turning back around. "I told you, no touching."

I whine.

He chuckles. "I feel the same way." He says.

I can't help but stare at his back. I want to touch it. The muscle, his biceps, it's all so drawing. I really want to touch him, and I want him to touch me. I think I am a victim of morning horniness.

"But," he starts, turning back to face me as he holds his pants. "I made a promise to myself that I wouldn't touch you. This trip is about connecting.. in a different way than we usually do."

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