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To be loved, is to be known. (pt.1) ⚘


"God dammit!" I scream, cry out almost.

I slam my fist down on the counter, a sad attempt to break something. The only thing I, almost, break is my damn fist. It's a waste of time to even try and break the marble counter.

When will he get home?

My foot bounces up and down. I'm sitting on the barstools at the island, waiting for the door to click and for Hyunjin to come walking in. He hasn't been home in days though, so I don't even know why I'm wasting my time here.

I've lost him.

I've really lost him.

I don't like that I have, I hate that I'm able to admit it, I hate that I've become just another man in his life that comes and goes. This is the end. This is really the end. I've lost him to another man.

I'm not even angry. I'm not happy either, obviously. I'm just, I've become.. numb. Of course I'm sad, but the sadness is not like a wave drowning me anymore. It's just there. I haven't seen him, so its not getting worse or better.

Maybe I should just give up. Give it a rest. Get some damn rest, at that. I haven't slept more than three hours these past few nights. I don't even know how I go to work in the morning. I guess it's just become a cycle, so it's hard to stop.


My body freezes.

Click, click, click.

His slender figure comes walking into the apartment, cautiously. I just stare as he looks around. His eyes meet mine as he is scanning the kitchen, and I can see his body tense up.

"Minho.." he says breathlessly.

"Oh, Hyunjin." I say, my head falling into the counter in my arms.

I don't want to see him right now. I was lying when I said I was waiting for him. God, make him disappear. Please. I cannot do this right now, I need you to make him leave.

"What are you doing still up?" He asks, and that's what makes me realize it's very late at night. I realize that there's no way out of this now, I have to tell him the truth.

A part of me is a bit happy. A part of me is happy that this is our chance to talk, to sort out whatever the hell we have going on. But another part of me, the real part of me, just wants to get up and walk away.

I sigh. "I was.." Screw it. "You. I'm up because of you."

I guess we are doing this now. I guess it's time.

He slowly tilts his head. "Because of me? What do you mean?" He asks. He speaks softly, only making me want to cry more. If he's in such a mood that he speaks softly, I must have lost him.

I don't even think of answering his question. I need to get straight to the point, my point. Disregard everything I've said, I'm ready. I'm so ready. "I saw you with Seungmin today." I blurt.

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