Love Scared Him

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You sit on the bench in the museum and unfold the note in your hand. "I need to speak with you. Meet me." He leaves an address for you to meet him at.

You wonder what Min has to say. If it is about how bad Jungkook feels, then you will leave, your heart may not be perfect, but it is healed enough to have moved on.

Later that evening you arrive at the restaurant listed in the note. When you enter he stands up at the table and smiles at you. You reach the table and he pulls the chair out for you to have a seat.

"Hello, Anne." He smiles at you. 

"Hi Min, how are you?"

 He opens his menu and says "I'm fine." Then he gets straight to the point, "He is concerned about you." he looks at you waiting for your response.

"I'm fine. If he sent you here to find out how I'm doing without him, you can tell him I'm fine." You pick up your menu and look at the listings without really seeing them.

You hear an audible sigh from Min, he takes a sip of water and says, "He does care for you." 

You look at Min, "Yeah, right he cared so much that he left me without a word and went home to Korea."

Sorrow crosses Min's face, "I didn't mean to upset you. I just wanted to talk to you." 

You are trying not to let your frustration show, "Then start talking."

He scoots his chair closer to you and starts to explain. "He was very angry when he had to leave back then. He was a very confused young man. So much was happening in his life so fast, and love blind sided him. Believe me he didn't want to leave you behind."

A waiter comes over ready to take your food orders. You order a salad and Min, knowing you better than that says to the waiter, "She will have the steak dinner with the salad as a side. I will order the same." 

You just roll your eyes at him. Even when you were younger and dating Jungkook, Min was more like a dad to you both than a body guard.

The waiter takes the menu's, "Yes sir." and heads to the kitchen. 

He continues explaining, "It tore Jungkook up when he had no choice but to leave. He wanted you to go with him but he was told absolutely no by the company."

Min looks sadly at you, "He started to think it was probably a good thing as it gave him a way out. He felt he wasn't ready for love. At least the kind he was falling into with you."

You just stare at Min, you can't believe what he is telling you. Jungkook scared of love, no way! Jungkook wasn't scared of anything.

Min can tell you don't believe him so he explains, "What he was feeling for you was all consuming and it scared him, so he ran. He was a mess I had to clean up when we got back to Korea. The more he beat himself up over how he left you the more he regretted leaving you behind. The others saw it too and it was affecting his work to the point the mangers and Hitman Bang noticed."

Your mind is racing in a million directions hearing what Min is saying about Jungkook. The way he just up and left you without a word lead you to believe he never cared about you. You had no idea how much it hurt him too. But it's too late now, too much water has passed under that bridge.

  Min looks directly in your eyes, "There was one of the members who finally had enough and confronted him. That was when things started to change."

You can't believe what Min has been telling you. "Why couldn't he tell me?" 

Min shakes his head, "I don't honestly know. Maybe he couldn't face the tears he knew he would cause."

You sigh and look down at the table, "I cried for days over him Min, days." 

Min reaches for your hand, "He was a mess too, trust me. Now he wants only the best for you and wants you to find someone who can give you the love you deserve."

You look at Min, "Well maybe I have found someone." 

Stunned he draws away from you. 'Shit this isn't going to plan'. 

"What? Who?" he asks.

You look down at your lap to adjust your napkin then back at Min. "A mutual friend we had while he was here. He is one of the dancers that we worked with. When Jungkook went home without so much as a goodbye, I was inconsolable and Dae was there for me. We became close."

Min sits back and looks at you, "Well, that changes things, I guess. Let me get right to the point. The boys want you back." 

He waits to see the expression on your face and where there was none he says, "They miss you and I was told in no uncertain terms to make sure you came back to Korea with us this time."

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