A Secret That Should Never Be Known

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A breeze woke Reki up from a nightmare. He sat up quickly, gasping for air. The school nurse rushed over and gently patted his back.

"Reki-kun, what's wrong? Is something bothering you?" Reki pulled away from her, looking anxious.

"No, I'm fine. I just need a drink." The nurse smiled encouragingly and went to get him some water. Reki sighed as he recalled what had happened earlier in class, but he couldn't remember anything except the message.

---- One hour ago ----

"Reki! Reki! Wake up! Please, wake up!" Reki had fallen from his chair to the ground, and the whole class rushed over, including Langa, who shouted his name repeatedly. Reki couldn't make out Langa's face, as his vision was blurry.

"What's going on?" The teacher pushed his way through the crowd.

"Let me see." The teacher put his hand on Reki's head.

"He's burning up," he said, turning to one of the bigger boys.

"You. Take him to the infirmary's office and make sure he's okay." One of the boys was about to pick up Reki, but someone beat him to it.

"I'll take him to the infirmary, sir! I'll be back." The teacher and the entire class were shocked as Langa picked up Reki in a princess carry and ran out of the room. Everyone watched as Langa disappeared down the hallway.

'I thought he was weak.' The whole class was thinking the same thing as they stared out the doorway.

Langa reached the infirmary in just seconds and called for the nurse and doctor to help Reki. He sat there for ten minutes before the doctor came out to tell him that Reki was alright.

"Can I see him?" Langa asked, and the doctor nodded and left for his lunch break. Reki lay on the bed, feeling horrified and miserable about what he had seen from the classroom window. When he saw Langa, he felt alert and scared, and it showed on his face.

"Reki... do you not want to see me?" Langa's question hit Reki hard. He realized that Langa was looking more miserable than he was.

"Don't you know that I've been waiting? I've been waiting for when you're finally going to say something to me. I've been waiting for you...so that we can skate together like we used to. I've been waiting for you to tell me what I did wrong! What did I do wrong, Reki? Where did I go wrong?! Please, just talk to me..." Langa stared blankly at the crying Langa. He was torn between comforting him and scolding him. He was mad because Langa couldn't seem to understand his faults and actions.

"I want to be alone." Langa looked down at Reki with tears streaming down his face.

"But Reki-"

"Please leave. I want to be alone. I want to think, so please leave." Langa clenched his fists, turned on his heels, and stormed out of the room, tears still streaming down his face. Reki couldn't stop crying as he curled up in the bed, sobbing.

------ Present -------

Reki lay on the bed, staring up at the ceiling. His eyes hurt, and he blinked several times to try and clear them. The nurse approached him with worried eyes.

"Reki, I called your home, but no one answered. Do you think you can go back to class?" Reki sat up and looked at the nurse like he had the greatest idea ever.

"Ma'am, I can make it home on my own," Reki responded, startling the nurse.

"But Reki, you're not even—" The nurse was cut off as Reki jumped off the bed and grabbed his backpack, which Langa had left on the chair earlier.

"Don't worry. I'll get home safely, so don't worry," Reki shouted as he ran out of the room. The nurse could only stare at the doorway, feeling worried about what might happen to Reki.

"He was breathing heavily," she thought as she sighed. A few moments later, a gloomy-looking blue-haired guy entered the room.

"Oh, Langa. Is everything all right?" the nurse asked, noticing the juice bottle that Langa held. Langa smiled softly.

"Yes, everything's all right, but I'm here to see Reki," Langa said. The nurse shook her head.

"I'm sorry, but he just left a few moments ago." Langa seemed to be struck hard in the stomach as he heard that Reki had left.

"Also, was that juice bottle for Re-" Langa ran out of the room, leaving the nurse stunned.

"Ah, kids these days," she sighed and shook her head, smiling.

Reki ran out of the school gate and onto the roads that led to the town center. He had to find Adam. That was the only way to keep things hidden. He had to find Adam; if he did, he would beg him to keep everything a secret. He would do anything to keep what was hidden, hidden because he himself was a monster.

A monster that should never be awakened... a monster that should be hidden in the mist and never brought into the light, for if the monster awakens...


'Nothing will be the same. Everything will just be a disaster.'

And that is something my second self would say......

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