I Must

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'Nothing will be the same. Everything will just be a disaster.'

And that is something my second self would say......


Langa sat motionlessly with his book blankly in front of him. Throughout the whole class session all Langa could do was glance non-stop at the empty desk that stood lonely right beside him.

'Why'd he leave early? He could've just waited for me if no one was going to pick him up. I can't help worrying about what might happen to him on the way home.' - Langa thought to himself almost glaring at the Reki's desk. A fellow classmate beside him seem to notice and whispered quietly.

"Hey Langa, you alright man?" - The classmate whispered. Langa startled at the voice and gave him a wary little smile.

"Yes, I'm alright." - He replied but the classmate still gave him one last look with a nod before he turned back to his book. The class session when by in a blink of an eye but Langa could not focus because all he could think of was Reki's condition.

'Reki...where did you rush off to?'

========= Reki's POV =========

"Where is 'he'?!" - Reki swore under his breath as he raced through the street. He did not know where he was heading but all he knew was that he had to find Adam no matter what. 

"I'm going to ah-" - Reki groaned in pain as he reached towards a nearby pole. He felt his body burn when he looked down at the board he held onto his right hand. 

'Why didn't I think of it?' - Reki let out a big long sigh before he took off on his board. But slowly, Reki's vision started to blur as he skate down each block making him unaware that he was now in the middle of the road. The last sound Reki heard was a loud horn of a on coming car and then he blanked out. 

--------- A few hours later ---------

'Argh....' - Reki fluttered his eyes open only to be blinded by a heliotrope radiant lights flashing all around him with the smell of roses. Reki sat up in confusion as he scanned the room in shock.

"A...a love hotel?" - Reki stared at him surrounding in shock when he felt a little breeze of a man's perfume coming from behind him. 

"I see that your awake." - Reki froze for a moment before jumping off the bed screaming and pointing at the man in suit. 

"W-who...who are you?!" - The man in suit step out from behind the bed sighing. When there eyes met the man apologetically bowed to Reki.

"I am Tadashi Kikuchi. I deeply apologize for accidently hitting you with my car." - Reki recalled the loud horn he heard before he passed out and glared at the man. 

"Y-you...You almost killed me!" - Reki shouted in dismay. Tadashi sighed and reached in his pocket. 

"If I remember correctly, it was particularly your fault to beginning with. After all, you were the one who jumped right in front of the road without warning. Since it's come to this I might as well compensate you for the damage that has been caused." - Tadashi held out an envelope looked to be filled with money. 

"Money?" - Tadashi nodded his head as he held it up at Reki. Reki frowned at the envelope and scolded.

"I don't need the money. Just because you have money don't you dare think it can fix anything. Keep you money! And if you don't mind, I'm leaving!" - Reki turned his back and stormed off towards the door. As he swung the door open, he was met with a bathtub filled with steaming water along with rose petals floating on the surface of the water making the room utterly romantic. Reki felt his face heat up as he stared in the room.

"Oh my." – Reki jumped as Tadashi once again whispered behind him.

"Can't you at least show a sign that you're a normal person?!" – Tadashi shrugged and he pointed at the door behind him.

"The way out is that way." – Reki groaned and hurriedly stomped off towards the door only to find out that it was a wardrobe full of explicit unexplainable things. Reki cursed under his breath and finally ran out of the room blushing. Tadashi giggled under his breathe as he stared at the door left a jar. 

'To think Mr Ainosuke is interested in yet another young boy. I'm glad he didn't come along.' - Tadashi let out a sigh of relief as he also made his way out of the room. 'If I had told him that Red was here he could've tried to use the opportunity to get close to the boy. First Snow and now Red. How unfortunate for you, Mr Kyan.'

Reki got home feeling flustered with what happened. Reki entered the house only to be greeted by his little sister.

"Where have you been?" – Reki looked down at the little red head girl startled.

"Why are you still awake? You should be sleeping by now." – Reki glared down at the little girl, but the girl stood her ground and glared back at him.

"Well where have you been? You've never stayed out this late before. Also Langa stopped by a few hours ago. He was looking for you." - Reki quietly took off his shoes while ignoring little Koyomi. 

"On-" - Reki cut her off with a glare and walked off.

"It's none of your business." - Reki said coldly and entered through the front door shouting. "Mom! I'm home!"

"Oh, Reki come and eat. Where have you been?" - The conversation of the two drowned as Reki's thoughts start to swirl in his head. All Reki could think of was getting to Adam because that was the only thing he was after at the moment. No, Langa, no friends, only Adam or else he'll destroy everything his build so far. 

The little girl lay quietly inside her room when she remembered Reki's cold eyes. She hugged her pillow to her chest in silently.


'Reki, you dummy.'

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