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'Reki, you dummy'


The next morning, Reki woke up the heat of the sun shining through the room. As he slowly blinked his eyes he was startled by a shadow hovering above him. 

"Morning, big brother!" - Reki sighed in relief and push off the small figure off.

"Koyomi, what are you doing in here? Get out. I'm going to change." - Koyomi pouted and hugged onto a grumpy Reki.

"Koyomi, let go. I really need to change." - Reki was now getting annoyed.

"But you promised that you were going to help me learn how to skate in the weekends, remember?!" - Yes, he did remember promising her that but he was not in the mood to be bothered.

"Get out." - Reki said once again now glaring at the little girl.

"Big brother, I did not come in here early in the morning just to be kicked out! You really are not the kind type, huh?" - Koyomi tried to tease Reki but was kicked out in the end. 

"Grr! Fine then! I'll go learn on my own!" - Koyomi shouted at Reki's door before stomping off to the kitchen only to startle Mrs Kyan who was busy feeding the twins.

"Koyomi? What's wrong?" - Mrs Kyan asked as she set down the plate.

"It's nothing." - Koyomi pouted sadly and flop down beside her little sisters.

"It doesn't seem like nothing to me sweetheart." - Koyomi sighed and look down at her breakfast feeling sad.

"It's just...."Reki has been shutting me down a lot lately. I know that something happened between him and Langa but still. Aren't they friends? They should've forgiven one another already if something had happen between them." - Koyomi clenched the fold of her cloth as she tried to hold back tears. Her mother silently pat her on the head with a soft smile.

"Koyomi, you know Reki better than anyone else. We all know what his like when he drift off down the path. Remember not to bring up anything from the past, do you understand?" - Little Koyomi's eyes widen when her eyes met her mother's eyes.

"Oh little Koyomi, the past is something Reki does not want to remember. Though we try to make him forget, it will always be apart of his memories." - The tension in the room seem to grown. The twins on the other hand were in their own very world. The tension broke when Reki's door swung open and Reki marched towards the front door in a hurry.

"Reki, come have breakfast." - Mrs Kyan shouted after Reki. Koyomi stood silently watching her brother put on his shoes in a hurry. 

"I don't need breakfast. I'll be back later today." - Reki said as he disappeared through the frame of the door.

"Big br-" - Koyomi got held back by her mother who shook her head. Little Koyomi sat silently on her seat feeling an uneasy feeling creep up her stomach.

------------- Back in the S community -------------

"Welcome, welcome fellow skaters to today's competition! I'm sure everyone's been excited for this match for a while now." - The crowd was roaring non-stop as the MC kept shouting through the mic. "As you all may be aware of, our contestants of today are non other than our very own weirdo Shadow! And everyone's newly favourite Snow! Can we hear some cheers for our fellow competitors!"

"Hey! What's with the long face hmm? Wait is it because slime's not here today?" - Miya asked as he hurriedly scan the crowd for a red head. Cherry and Joe joined the group when a moderator demanded the contestants to hurry to the starting line.

"Oi, Snow. Just because we are buddies doesn't mean I'll go easy on you. I ain't going soft on you just because you're pessimistic from a break up haha-" - Shadow smirked at Langa who seemed unbothered. Miya on the other hand pinched Shadow on the side and sent him a glare. 

"Hey! Why'd you do that for?!" - Joe giggled as he wished Langa luck and so did Cherry.

You're not allowed to mock slime like thatonly I can! And aren't you supposed to be at the starting line already? Look even Snow knows when to start." - Miya laughed at an angry Shadow and waved him off. For some reason Miya couldn't help but feel uneasy.

'I wonder if slime's doing alright....but where could he be?'

"Hey Snow. Just so you know I'm going to win." - Shadow said as the trumpets blow and both skaters ride down the stony hills with speed and stamina. Langa could not focus as he felt his heartthrob. After a few more minutes into the game, Langa felt his heartthrob once more but not with the usual excitement he felt towards skating but rather he did not enjoy the moment. As he skate through a corner, some of the people on the sidelines started shouting at him to speed up and to stop being a coward. At that moment, to Langa, everything was meaningless. Shadow on the other hand found this act as a miracle as he menacingly laughed and skate away.

Something about skating was different to Langa. Something about skating was wrong to Langa. Slowly, Langa's speed seem to accelerate. The crowd was now shouting in anger and Shadow was laughing in happiness as the crowds upfront were cheering for him.

'Skating... was it always this suffocating...." - Both mind and speed were now way behind. The sounds of the crowd were fainting away and all Langa could hear were the thoughts 

'Why? I don't feel excited at all. I only feel excited when I......when I.....when I skate with Reki...' - Langa's board ran over a bump almost causing him to lose balance and at that moment he heard a voice he never heard in a while shout his name.

"LAANGAAAA!" - Langa catch sight of the red-haired boy when he heard his name ring through the air. Langa felt the rush of excitement rush through his body like lightning when his eyes met Reki's. He somehow found the feeling of excitement rush through his veins as he speed down the path to catch up with Shadow who seem to effortlessly try to wreck Langa with his supplies to slow him down. Back at Reki's spot the people around him thought he was crazy but Reki didn't seem to care because he wanted to see Langa win. Reki grinned a sad smile when he saw Langa effortlessly reach the finish line. Reki drew away from the crowd and rush towards the gate. As he got near the exit he felt pain rush behind his head then everything when blank. 

--------------- A few minutes later ---------------

"Excuse me. Did you see a red-haired guy here?" - Right after the match, Langa had rushed towards the spot where Reki stood. He asked a group who stood near the spot. They replied no and asked Langa for his autograph but at that moment Langa felt sad once again and then suddenly the big screen in the tournament glitches which alarmed everyone in the stadium. But then a figure of Adam appeared upon the screen.

"Hello, my beautiful people. I'm am so happy that you, Snow, have won this round. I did not only show myself here to congratulate you but to tell everyone that I, Adam,....." - There was a great pause and everyone in the place was starting to get inquisitive as the minutes passed. Even Cherry and Joe were the most curious as Adam's plan are always a matter of death. But something on the other hand told everyone, that something terrible was about to happen due to the way Adam was grinning across the screen.

"I have finally found my one and true Eve and he....


is not Snow."

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