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I run to Elizabeth's room as soon as I make it home

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I run to Elizabeth's room as soon as I make it home. I find her pacing back and forth in front of her fireplace.

"Evelyn!" She rushes over to me and wraps her arms around my shoulders. "Why on earth did you chase after that pirate?" She asks after pulling away.

"I...I just, I don't know. I'm sorry." I stutter out. The truth is, I honestly don't know why I find Jack so intriguing.

"Don't ever do something like that again. Do you hear me? He's a pirate, Eve. He's dangerous."

"Then why did he save my life?" I wonder out loud.

"I don't know. But that doesn't mean that..." Elizabeth trails off as we both look over to the candle on her bed side table. The flame starts violently swaying before blowing itself out.

We turn to each other in confusion and I notice the sounds of the city below have suddenly gone quiet. I look out of the big window in my sister's room to find a thick fog has settled over Port Royal. Then the cannon fire started.

"What the bloody hell?" I exclaim as me and Elizabeth jump at the sound. We hear screams and gun shots from below. Various things breaking and people fighting.

I look down to find a group of men with torches break down our front gate and storm up to our house. I grab Elizabeth and run out to the banister that overlooks the foyer. There's a knock on the door and our butler walks over to open it.

"No don't-" I start to shout but he opens the door before I can finish.

"'Ello, chum." I hear one of the men say before shooting our butler in the head. Elizabeth gasps next to me and I quickly shove her back towards her room as two of the men spot us on the staircase.

We make it back into her room and slam the door behind us. I let out a scream as I run into Katherine upon turning around.

"They've come to kidnap both of you!" She exclaims, grabbing us by our arms.

"What?" Elizabeth asks.

"You're the governor's daughters." She whispers.

"No," I show the pirate medallion to Elizabeth who looks at me in confusion and holds her hand out. I place the medallion in her hand. "They're not here for us." The men start banging on the door and the lock jiggles from the force. "They haven't seen you yet. Go hide and the first chance you get make a run for the port, ok?" I tell Katherine before following Elizabeth into the room next door.

The men burst in behind us and Elizabeth knocks one of them in the face with her coal holder. I see Katherine run out of the corner of my eye and pray that she makes it to safety. The partially bald man that Elizabeth whacked falls to the ground, momentarily unconscious.

The second man is a tall, lanky fellow with what looks to be a wooden eye. He steps forward and grabs Elizabeth's hand, taunting her. My sister pulls the lever on the holder and pieces of burning coal fall out onto his face.

The Captain and the Pearl |J.SWhere stories live. Discover now