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I wake up the next morning to the sun beaming into my eyes and the smell of smoke in the air

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I wake up the next morning to the sun beaming into my eyes and the smell of smoke in the air. I shoot up onto my feet thinking we're under attack by more pirates only to find my sister throwing barrels into a giant fire.

"No!" I hear Jack shout behind me. The fire must have woken him up, too. "Not good! Stop!" He waves his arms around trying to get Elizabeth's attention as he makes his way over to her. "Not good. What are you doing? You've burned all the food, the shade, the rum!" I roll my eyes at the last part.

"Yes the rum is gone." My sister confirms.

"Why is the rum gone?" He's clearly very concerned about his rum.

"One," My sister whips around to face him. "Because it is a vile drink that turns even the most respectable men into complete scoundrels. Two, that signal is over a thousand feet high. The entire Royal Navy is out looking for me and Evelyn. Do you really think that there is even the slightest chance that they won't see it?" Well I'm sure they're looking for Elizabeth.

"But why is the rum gone?" I actually laugh at Jack's response.

"Just wait, Captain Sparrow." Elizabeth faces the ocean and sits down in the sand. "You give it one hour, maybe two, keep a weather eye open and you will see white sails on that horizon." Jack, in a fit of insanity, pulls out his pistol and points it at my sister.

"Jack!" He looks at me before shoving the pistol back into his belt and storming off. "You really think this is gonna work, Lizzy?" I take a seat next to her.

"I know it will. It has to." I lean my head on her shoulder as we watch the waves and wait.

Jack runs back over to us not ten minutes later and behind him is...Royal guards. Well I'll be damned.

"We've got to save Will!" Elizabeth shouts at my father as we board the Commodore's ship.

"No. You're both safe now. We will return to Port Royal immediately. Not go gallivanting after pirates."

"Gallivanting?" I hear Jack mumble beside me, making me try not to laugh. Two guards are standing on either side of him just because he's a pirate.

"Then we condemn him to death." Elizabeth states.

"The boy's fate is regrettable, but then so is his decision to engage in piracy." My father says sadly.

"To rescue me. To prevent anything from happening to me."

"That's actually true, fath-"

"Not now, Evelyn." My father holds up his hand to silence me. Yea I could've predicted that. Out of the corner of my eye I see Jack reach for me but the guards stop him.

God, I hate it here.

"If I may be so bold as to interject my professional opinion." Jack interrupts and surprisingly the guards let him go but keep close to him as he makes his way over to Norrington. "The Pearl was listing after the battle, it's very unlikely she'll be able to make good time. Think about it, the Black Pearl. The last real pirate threat in the Caribbean, mate. How can you pass that up, eh?"

"By remembering that I serve others, Mr. Sparrow, not only myself." Norrington turns around and walks away from us. I never noticed just how boring the Commodore really is until now.

"Commodore I beg you, please do this. For me. As a wedding gift." My sister's words make Norrington stop in his tracks.

"Elizabeth?" My father interjects. "Are you accepting the commodore's proposal?"

"I am."

"A wedding. I love weddings. Drinks all around!" Jack exclaims and I give him a look that says 'please shut up'. "I know. 'Clap him in irons' right?" Jack holds his hands out to Norrington when the Commodore gives him the same look I did.

"Mr. Sparrow, you will accompany these fine men to the helm and provide us with a bearing to Isla de Muerta." My eyes widen as I never thought I'd see the day that Norrington agreed to work with a pirate. "You will then spend the rest of the voyage contemplating all possible meanings of the phrase 'silent as the grave'. Do I make myself clear?"

"Inescapably clear." Jack agrees. The two guards grab him by the arms and shove him up the stairs towards the wheel.

"You don't have to be so rude." I call out to them earning a disapproving look from my father.

"Evelyn don't worry yourself about the well being of that pirate." He scolds me.

"That pirate is a better man than most men could ever dream to be." I bite back before heading up to the helm where Jack is, not waiting for a response from my father.

"Thank you, love." Jack mouths to me from his position at the wheel making me smile back at him.

Jack sails us all the way back to the Isla de Muerta where we find the Black Pearl anchored. The men decide they'll go ashore with Jack and leave me and Elizabeth on the Dauntless. They lock us in the captain's quarters before we can warn them about the curse.

The suns sets as me and Elizabeth plan our escape. We're tying bed sheets and ropes together when I hear a knock on the door.

"Elizabeth?" It's my father. "I believe you made a very good decision today." I roll my eyes at him and Elizabeth laughs softly at me. "Couldn't be more proud of you. But you know, even a good decision if made for the wrong reasons, can be a wrong decision."

That's the last we heard of his speech as we throw the makeshift rope out of the back window and descend down into one of the rowboats attached to the ship. Elizabeth rows us over to the Black Pearl in hopes that Will is still there.

We fight off a few pirates and that damn monkey before eventually making it to the brig. Will is nowhere to be found but Jack's crew is safe in one of the cells.

"Mr. Gibbs!" I shout happily when I see him.

"Lassies! What are you doing here?" He asks.

"Long story." I reply before opening the cell door.

We head back up to the main deck to find two skeleton pirate men standing watch. Elizabeth points up at the row boat hanging above our heads and I get the idea. We use the ropes to swing the boat into the pirates causing them to go overboard.

"All of you with us!" Elizabeth commands as I help her get the boat ready to go into the water below. "Will is in that cave and we must save him. Ready and heave!" We pull the ropes on the boat but it doesn't move. I realize that no one is helping us.

"Guys please. We need your help." I beg the crew as they stare at us blankly.

"Squawk. Any port in storm." Mr. Cotton's parrot chirps.

"Cotton's right. We've got the Pearl." Mr. Gibbs agrees.

"What about Jack? You're just gonna leave him?" I ask.

"Jack owes us a ship." Marty states.

"There's the Code to consider." Gibbs adds.

"The Code?" Elizabeth huffs. "You're pirates. Hang the Code and hang the rules! There more like guidelines anyway."

The crew is silent and we take that as our cue to go. Me and Elizabeth board the small boat and row towards the cave, once again watching the Black Pearl sail away.

"Bloody pirates."

The Captain and the Pearl |J.SWhere stories live. Discover now