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Elizabeth pulls the boat onto the small shore inside the cave and we run deeper in to find a fight has broken out

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Elizabeth pulls the boat onto the small shore inside the cave and we run deeper in to find a fight has broken out. Will is battling with a few of the cursed pirates while Jack and Barbossa duel amongst the treasure.

"I'm gonna teach you the meaning of pain!" One of the pirates calls out to Will. Elizabeth picks up a large golden staff for a weapon.

"You like pain?" She whacks the pirate hard enough to send him flying a few feet back. "Try wearing a corset." Damn.

I help Will up but all he can do is stare at my sister. They're so in love it hurts. I look over to where Jack is fighting Barbossa and notice something strange. Jack is now cursed as well meaning when he steps into the moonlight, he turns into a skeleton.

"What the hell?" I ask no one in particular.

"Long story." Will sighs before we turn to fight the other pirates.

I pull out my sword and start swinging. All that can be heard is the clanking of metal as we each take on one of the pirates. I dodge various blows and practically get chased all over this damn cave.

"Evelyn!" I hear Jack's voice call out. I turn to find him still in a heated battle with Barbossa. "You alright, love?"

"Doing great!" I shout back sarcastically as I duck just in time to avoid getting my head chopped off.

Will and Elizabeth use the giant golden staff to impale all three of the men together once we manage to meet back up.

Will takes a bomb from one of them and shoves it into the middle one's chest while they're in skeleton form. We push the pirate kebob back into the shadows where they turn back into flesh.


They shouldn't be coming back from that anytime soon.

Will runs up to the large chest in the center of the room. I look across the cave to see Jack slice his hand before throwing the medallion he must've taken over to Will.

Barbossa pulls out his pistol and points it at Elizabeth but before he can pull the trigger, another gunshot is heard. I jump at the sound and turn to find Jack with his pistol raised, smoke softly billowing out of the barrel.

"Ten years you carry that pistol, and now you waste your shot." Barbossa taunts.

"He didn't waste it." I look up at Will standing by the chest. He opens his hand to reveal two pirate medallions covered in blood. They fall to the chest signaling that all of the medallions have been restored and the curse has now been lifted.

Barbossa drops his weapons and opens his jacket to reveal a large blood stain forming over his heart where Jack's bullet landed.

"I feel..." He whispers. "Cold." Barbossa collapses onto pieces of treasure, dead.

It's finally over.

"Jack!" I run over and throw my arms around him from behind almost knocking him off balance.

"Woah, easy love." He laughs as he turns around in my arms to face me. "Did you miss me?"

"Nope. Not at all." The shit eating grin on my face clearly says otherwise but whatever.

"Hmm, that so?" He smirks. "Shame. Cause here I was thinking that maybe, now that there aren't any...interruptions, we could pick up where we left off the other night." His voice makes that heat return to my stomach.

"I think I'd like that very much." I lean in but before our lips could meet...

"Evelyn!" I hear my sister shout.

"What was that you were saying about no interruptions?" Jack chuckles at my question.

"Are you seriously about to kiss him?"

"Oh shut it, Elizabeth." I bite back. "If I wanna kiss him, I'm gonna kiss him." She shakes her head and storms off back towards the rowboat with Will on her heels.

Jack moves his hand to the back of my neck and pulls my face towards his, our lips crashing together. I feel a now familiar spark shoot through my body, one that only ignites when Jack touches me.

His tongue swipes my bottom lip and I happily grant him access to my mouth. I wrap my arms around Jack's neck and pull him as close as humanly possible. I feel his hands start to wander down my back, on my waist, over my rear, anywhere that he can reach honestly.

He leans down and grabs the back of my thighs before hoisting me up. I wrap my legs around his waist as he gently pushes me against the cave wall.

"Jack." A moan slips out of my mouth against my will and I can feel the smirk on his face while he kisses me.

I'm suddenly aware of his arousal between my legs and it excites me more than I care to admit. I'm the one that did that to him and the thought alone makes me want to explode. I rock my hips forward as best as I can earning a soft groan from Jack.

"Please don't." He whines into my mouth. I pull back to look into his dark, hooded eyes.

"Why not?" I pant.

"Because I really don't fancy the idea of taking you for the first time against a cave wall, love. But if you keep doing that, that's exactly where we'll end up." His voice alone almost makes me explode.

"Then don't say things like that." I retort still slightly out of breath. He chuckles before gently placing me back onto the ground.

"Come on, darling." He sighs, holding his hand out to me which I gladly accept. He picks up a few pieces of treasure, including some crown he found, on our way out.

"We will revisit this later." I tell him sternly. Jack shoots me a smirk that sends heat straight to my core.

We make it back to the little rowboat to join Will and my sister. Will pushes the boat off the shore and we say goodbye to the treasure of the Isla De Muerta.

"I'm sorry, Jack." I tell him when we row out of the cave for him to find that the Pearl is gone.

"They done what's right by them. Can't expect more than that." He says but I can tell he's upset. He looks so sad with his crown on crooked.

"Let me see your hand." I softly command.

"I'm fine, Evie." He insists but I hold out my hand anyway. He rolls his eyes before placing his hand on my palm. His wound isn't too deep but it does need to be bandaged up.

"Here." I use my sword to rip off a piece of my shirt and wrap it around the cut before tying the fabric as neatly as I can. I start to move my hands away from his but he reaches out and stops me.

"Thank you, love." His voice is softer than I've ever heard it and his eyes are the same when I look up into them. I smile when I feel his fingers slip through mine.

God I really am falling in love.

The Captain and the Pearl |J.SWhere stories live. Discover now