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We make a small fire out of rocks and wood thanks to Jack

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We make a small fire out of rocks and wood thanks to Jack. By the time night falls, only a half bottle of rum is left. Elizabeth is knocked out on the sand next to the fire while me and Jack laugh and dance to 'A Pirate's Life for Me'.

I've never had alcohol so even the small amount that I've drank has made me feel very carefree.

"I think I need to sit down." I huff out of breath. Jack smiles and joins me as I sit by the fire.

We watch the water move back and forth across the sand for a minute before he breaks the peaceful silence.

"I'm sorry, Evelyn." I look over to him to see his face full of regret.

"For what?"

"For getting you involved in all of this." He looks up into my eyes. "I never should have let you come."

"Jack, none of this is your fault. I chose to go with Will. I chose to help find my sister. And I chose to get on that ship with Captain Jack Sparrow." The last part makes his lips twitch into a small smile. "There's honestly no place I'd rather be right now than here...with you."

"You really need to quit saying things like that, love." He whispers and I realize how close his face is to mine.

"And if I don't?" I tease. His wall quickly crumbles as he closes the gap between us.

His lips feel even better than they did the first time. I wrap my hands around the back of his neck to pull him closer. I suck in a sharp inhale when he lightly bites my bottom lip and he slips his tongue into my mouth once again.

The feeling shoots a spark straight down to my core and I don't know if it's the alcohol or just Jack, but I can't resist climbing into his lap. I settle down onto his thighs and pant into his mouth when our centers rub together.

He grabs the back of my neck with his hand and pulls me impossibly closer to his mouth. I gently move my hips experimentally to see what he does. I hear his breath catch at the amazing friction between us and I do it again...and again.

Jack's hands travel down my torso and grip my hips as he sets a steady rhythm, never breaking our kiss. I feel him harden between my legs and I start to feel that same unfamiliar heat form in my lower abdomen.

No one teaches women about this sort of stuff so this feeling is completely new to me.

But I can't get enough of it.

I start moving my hips faster and I hear Jack groan when I reach up and grip his hair, tugging slightly. We're full on panting into each others mouths now and I never want this feeling to go away. But of course it does.

Jack uses his hands to stop my movements. I whine and try to keep moving against him but his hold on me is too strong.

"Jack, please." I beg for him to let me move but he doesn't loosen his grip. His eyes are so dark they almost look black, his pupils blown out.

"Trust me, love, I want nothing more than to have my way with you. But this is not the opportune time nor place." He gestures to my sleeping sister not ten feet away from us.

I climb off of him and huff out a breath, feeling more frustrated than I ever have in my entire life. I have no idea why I feel this way for Jack and it's honestly making me feel like I'm insane.

"Evelyn?" He starts. "You alright, darling?" I think about my words carefully before I decide to just tell him the truth.

"I've never...done anything with anyone and I just-I don't fully understand what I'm feeling or why I react the way I do when I'm around you and it's incredibly frustrating because every time I try to let you know what I want you push me away and I'm left thinking that this is one sided and I think back to all the rumors I've heard about you and how you are with women and it makes me feel so insignificant and like I'm the biggest idiot on the planet for thinking that you, Jack Sparrow, could actually care about me and-"

"Evelyn." Jack cuts me off before I can spiral even further. "If you honestly think that I don't care about you than you really are an idiot, love."

"Wha-" I try to voice my offense but he stops me again.

"Let me finish. Look, I...never in my entire life have I let someone get close enough to make me feel the way I do about you. This life, a pirate's life," He chuckles dryly. "It's meant to be harsh, lonely. So I shut myself off from ever feeling anything for anyone. The only person I've ever trusted is meself. Aye, random women in different ports would get me through the night but I'd forget their name the next day because I honestly could not care less about them, and I was piss drunk. But you...I don't fully understand what I feel or why I react to you the way I do either, love. And that terrifies me. But it's because I feel the way that I do that I can't have you. I don't want this life for you, Evie."

"Jack, I can make my own decisions." I say quietly trying to get him to let me in.

"And if it's the wrong one?"

"Then that's on me." I shrug. "I want you, Jack. I wanna be around you all the time. I could listen to your voice for hours. When you're close to me, I feel this...I don't even know how to describe it. I get this weird feeling in my stomach and I get kind of hot? I don't know. Where I come from, nobody teaches women about love or desires because we're not supposed to want that stuff. So I can't even describe what I feel when I'm near you."

"It's called sexual tension, love. And I've never felt it as strongly as I do with you. I'd love nothing more than to throw you in my bed and keep you there forever, do things to you that your sweet, innocent mind couldn't even dream of." My breath hitches and my cheeks flush as he runs his thumb over my bottom lip. He's right though, I have no idea what he means. But I want it. I want everything as long as it's with him.

"What sort of things?" I whisper.

"Things that don't involve clothes, darling." And...that feeling in my stomach is back. "But I don't wanna rush this. Neither of us fully understands what's happening here and I'll be damned to the locker if I mar it with my impatience."

"So, are you gonna keep pushing me away?" I ask quietly, almost hoping he didn't hear me.

"No, I just...I wanna take my time with you. I wanna show you the world, love. But we have to sort through all of this first." He gestures to the tiny island that we're currently marooned on.

"Right." I nod, having completely forgotten about our situation.

"But I promise once we get the Pearl back, I'll take you wherever you wanna go whenever you wanna go. That's what a ship is you know? It's not just a keel and a hull and deck and sails. That's what a ship needs. But what a ship is, what the Black Pearl really is...is freedom."

His words hit me like a freight train. Freedom. That's the feeling I get when I'm around him. I feel free. Free to be myself, to do whatever I want, be whoever I want to be...love who I want to love.

Holy shit...

I'm falling in love with Captain Jack Sparrow.

The Captain and the Pearl |J.SWhere stories live. Discover now