First Day at Work

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Your'e name is (Y/N) (L/N). You are a bright, young girl who is in her early 20's. You just applied for a new job at Joey Drew Studios, an animation company. Known for staring Bendy, the dancing demon, and his friends, Boris the wolf, and Alice Angel.

  Ever since you were little you always had a fascination for animation and hoped that one day you'll be able to animate yourself.

  You finished animation college and now were ready to finally fulfill your dream.

(Y/N) woke up early that morning to easily get ready, she quickly made breakfast and brewed up some coffee to take it with her to work. After she finished breakfast, she cleaned up her plate, then grabbed her purse and freshly made coffee. She glanced up at the clock, it was 7:15, she still had enough time to refill her cat's food bowl before she leaves.

Mochi is her cat's name. She is a small , 8 year old, ginger cat. She also has one paw that was completely black. It's what made her really unique and (Y/N) loved her for it, but she is hundred percent sure that she would still love her, even if she didn't have it.

(Y/N) grabbed the cat food and poured it in Mochi's food bowl. The soft sound of the pebbles hitting the food bowl caused Mochi, who was laying in her signature spot on the couch, to lift her head. She opened her mouth in a big yawn, then she say up and stretched, before shaking out her fluffy fur.

"Well, hello there sleepy head." (Y/N) greeted Mochi, even though she knew that she probably didn't understand what she was saying. Mochi just meowed in response, before she leaned down and began to eat from the freshly, filled bowl. (Y/N) petted her before she got up and grabbed her stuff. Before she left she made sure to unlock the cat door, because she knew that Mochi liked going outside while she was gone.

(Y/N) quickly headed to her car that was parked a few feet away from the apartment she lived in. She rummaged through her purse for her keys. She sat down in the driver seat, placing her coffee in the cup holder and her purse in the front passenger seat. She started up the car and headed off to the studio. Luckily for her, the address of the place wasn't difficult to follow and it was only 25 minute drive to get there, as long as there was no traffic or annoying train, then she'll get there right on time.

There was only a few stop lights that slowed (Y/N) down, but she was able to get there 2 minutes early. She saw that there was a few other people heading in. She could tell who were the animators mainly because the tip of their fingers  had black ink stains on them. (Y/N) really hopped that she made a good first impression and maybe even make some friends, with her fellow animators. She got out of her car, grabbing her coffee and purse before closing the car door.

  (Y/N) walked up to the entry door, but then she was startled by a happy and bubbly voice. "Hello! You must be the new worker, right?"  She turned around to see a tall women in a faded yellow dress, she had short blond hair, and beautiful blue eyes that had a welcoming look.

  "Oh! Yes, my name is (Y/N) (L/N)." She reached her hand out for a hand shake.

  The lady gladly took it before she continued to speak. "I'm Susie Campbell, Alice's voice actor."

  "Really?" (Y/N) was shocked by this. She didn't expect to meet someone so important on her first day, especially, not greeted by one.

  Susie chuckled at her reaction. "The one and only." She jokingly said. "Anyways, why don't I show you around the studio, it's pretty big and easy to get lost in."

  "Ok." (Y/N) was glad to have a guide. But of course, you didn't expect that guide to be the voice actor of the Angel herself.

  Both of you entered into the studio. (Y/N) was taken a back by how busy everything was, there were people everywhere. Susie didn't look fazed by it, she just kept on walking past people, and (Y/N) tried to keep up as Susie told her some direction to different departments and offices.

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