A new design

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(Y/N) was hanging out with Alice and Susie in the break room. She got to work pretty early so she was able to hang out with them before she had to go to work. So they were just talking about various things, like their favorite clothing line and how (Y/N) and Susie needed to get Alice some stuff from these brands, she'll love them.

It's been a few months since Alice was created, and she fitted in quiet quickly. She worked down in the Music Department, probably just to stay near Susie and hear her voice act and sing.

Boris got a long well with Alice, which makes sense, since Boris could become friend with basically anybody, even if they are awfully grumpy (Sammy).

But Bendy...now that was a whole other situation. They did not get along that well, especially at first. Which kinda confused (Y/N), weren't they a couple in the show? But the way they argued with each other and got on each other's nerves (not in a couple way, lol), showed that they had no relationship that was even near to the one in the cartoons. They've gotten better after a while. But there's still those occasions when they pull a prank on each other and a fight will break out, then Henry, Susie, or Joey had to stop it.

"Are ya'll up for a girls night tonight?" Susie asked.

"Yes!" Alice happily agreed, while (Y/N) nodded. She had nothing else planned for that night, so she would love to hang out with them.

"Great! So does 7:00 at my place sound good?" Susie suggested.

"Yeah." (Y/N) said. "Anyways, I have to get back to work. See ya'll tonight!"

"Alright, bye (Y/N)!" Alice said, waving at her as she left. So did Susie.

(Y/N) headed down the hallway to the animation department. She felt refreshed after that break, so she was ready to get back to work.

"Oh! (Y/N), there are you." (Y/N) stopped in her tracks and turned to see that Joey Drew was the one that called her.

"Yes? Mister Drew?"

"I just wanted to talk about the redesign of Bendy." Joey said. "Especially the redesign you did."

"Oh ok." (Y/N) followed Joey to his office. (Y/N) offered to help to think of a redesign for Bendy. It took a while to think of something, but she was able to give him a white, button up shirt, with black suspenders, and she made his bow tie a light grey. Her favorite part was probably the cartoony eyes she gave him, instead of the pie cut ones.

"Henry and I really like yours." Joey told her as they got to his office. (Y/N) saw that Henry was inside looking through some papers with his reading glasses on. "We might actually use your design."

"Really?" (Y/N) was surprised that they would choose hers. She saw a lot of the other peoples designs and expected one of theirs to be chosen.

"Yep." Henry looked up from his papers. "Yours is different enough from the original and is also pretty simple so it will be easy for the animators to animate him like that." He then turned to look at Joey. "Did you show this to Bendy yet?"

"No, not yet." Joey shook his head. "I was hoping for him to wake up so we can-"

"Joey Drew!!" Joey was interrupted by the angry voice of Bendy.

"Speak of the Devil." Henry said, a bit sarcastically. While Joey looked like he's seen a ghost as he stared in the direction of Bendy's pissed voice.

Then the little devil barged in. (Y/N) was taken aback. Bendy wasn't staring at them with angry pie-cut eyes, but with big cartoony eyes that she drew with him on his redesign. He was wearing brown-grayish sweater, with a grey bow tie. One of his sweater's buttons were unbuttoned and it showed a portion of his white button up shirt, the rest of the sweater was probably covering up the straps of his suspenders he was wearing. "Could you maybe WARN a guy before you decide to go about changin' his- Y'know! EVERYTHING!"

"Ben!" Joey said, still startled from Bendy's ruff entrance. "Please let me explain!"

Bendy glared daggers at him, as if he caught him doing another ritual again. "Fine, I'm listening." He said, but there was a hint of impatience in his voice.

"Ok, so I'm not a hundred percent sure how this happened." Joey said nervously. "But somehow you were given the redesign we were planning for you."

Bendy gritted his teeth. "And you didn't think to tell me this?"

"W-We were, but-uh..." Joey seemed to be a lost for words. Some sweat going down his brows as he tried to not make eye contact with the angry toon.

Then Henry got up from his seat and spoke up for Joey. "We wanted to get the right idea of what your new design should look like, before we wanted to tell you. We assumed that would get you to agree if we actually had a plan for this."

Bendy rubbed at his temples as if he was getting a headache ."Did one of you come up with my design?"

"Uh...I-I did, sir." (Y/N) said a bit hesitantly, because she was a bit nervous that Bendy would get mad at her.

Bendy stared at her with wide eyes, like he just noticed she was there.

Before Bendy could say anything, Henry came up to (Y/N)'s side and placed a comforting hand on her shoulder as he spoke. "Don't get mad at (Y/N). She was only trying to help." (Y/N) flashed him a grateful smile.

Bendy sighed. "Alright. But next time could ya'll warn me when you do something like this again?"

"Of course, Boss."

Bendy walked over to the desk and picked up (Y/N)'s design idea. (Y/N) held her breath as she waited to see what he was going to say. Does he like it? Is he going to keep the design? Or is he going to get Joey to change him back and find a different design?

"This is not bad, (Y/N)." Bendy said, breaking through her thoughts. "The color balances each other out quite nicely and the suit is a nice addition."

(Y/N)'s eyes were wide as she stared at Bendy, she could barely muster up any words. "T-Thank you, sir." Was the only thing she could stutter out.

"Again, it's just Bendy." He corrected her.

"Oh, yeah."

"When do you think we should start using the design?" Henry asked.

Bendy thought for a moment. "Let's do it after we finish this season." He said. "We can call a meeting to tell everyone about the new design."

"Alright." Henry glanced at the clock. "I think it's time to head to work now." He suggested.

Henry was right, many people will be coming in right now, ready for work like (Y/N) should be. "I guess I'll head down then." She said heading for the door.

"I'll come with you." Bendy told her. "I want to make sure that everyone gets to work." He said as they headed out.

"You're acting as if we have a deadline." (Y/N) joked.

"We don't. But that doesn't mean I can let ya'll get lazy." Bendy joked back.

"I guess fare point." (Y/N) chuckled.

"So, do you have any redesigns for Alice and Boris?" Bendy asked.

"Oh, well, actually." (Y/N) reached into her purse and pulled out a small sketchbook. "I do."

"Great! You can show me them at your next break. Maybe even get Henry and Joey to look at them as well."

"Ok, sure!" (Y/N) happily agreed. When she sat in her desk in the animation department, she hoped that Alice and Boris will like the redesign she thought for them.

Hello! I am back! Sorry that I didn't get this out last week, I was very busy since I had a stupid report I had to do and had to present it and then I got sick, yay. Idk if I actually will post next week since I'm gonna be in California visiting my grandpa, so ya'll might have to wait for a bit :/
Also sorry for this one being a bit short (the next one might be the same) there is only so much I can write in each one that doesn't seem like filler words that means some are going to be longer then others, so...anyways thank you all so much for reading this and have a great day or night, bye.

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