Working Late

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  (Y/N) was at her desk, she was drawing frame after frame which felt like it was going on forever. She didn't know how long she's been at her desk for, she lost track of time somewhere in her 80th frame. All that she knew is that it is pretty late, since she was the only one in the animation department.

  She would like to say she was working so much because she fell behind or wanted to finish her part early. But that wasn't the case. She was trying to get her mind off of the thought that Bendy liked her.

  It was ridiculous! No matter how much she worked or tried to distract herself with her tv at home or talking to her friends, her heart will still flutter of thinking of the possibility that the little devil liked her.

  (Y/N) still did talk to him, but whenever she did, she felt like it was a hundred degrees suddenly and she would find herself sweating.


  Why can't she act normal around him again? Why can't she talk to him without worrying about stuttering?


  Why can't she find the courage to admit that she liked him as well?


  (Y/N) snapped out of her thoughts and yelped as she nearly fell off her chair.

  "Oh jeez! Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." (Y/N) repositioned herself in her seat and she saw that Bendy was the one to startle her. (Y/N) felt her face heat up ever so slightly, but she pushed the feeling down. How am I supposed to know that he really likes me back? She thought. Even if Alice and Boris said that he really did, they never actually asked him, so they could be wrong.

  (Y/N) was startled out of her trance again when Bendy snapped his fingers in front of her face. "Come one (Y/N), I really need you to stop zoning out on me." He said with some amusement in his voice. Then he stared at her with a bit of concern in his eyes. "Are you ok? I didn't startle you that bad, did I?"

  "No, I'm ok." (Y/N) reassured him, fixing her sleeves on her shirt.

  "So what are you doing here so late?" Bendy asked the question that (Y/N) dreaded.

  "I just, uh...wanted to finish my part early." (Y/N) lied. She could've gone with the 'I'm falling behind' excuse. But he would definitely know that she isn't, since he regularly checks up in everyone's progress.

  (Y/N) could tell that Bendy didn't fully believe her. "We don't have the deadline for another month. You don't need to work yourself to the bone."

  "Oh, wow! I can't believe Bendy would tell me not to work." (Y/N) said jokingly. She was happy when he chuckled.

  "That's not what I'm trying to say. It's just not good for my employees to be working so late at night, when they should be at home right now, resting."

  (Y/N) let out a small scoff. "You're one to talk." She knew of Bendy's habit of working himself, especially late at night. Which always causes him to be grumpy the next morning.

  "Now is that anyway to talk to your boss?" Bendy said, sternly. But there was a bit of humor in his voice that showed he was joking.

  (Y/N) chuckled a little. Then they were left in silence. There was only the sound of the air conditioning going, keeping the room from getting to hot.

  (Y/N) always hated when there was an awkward silence. Neither her or Bendy knew what to say. She wasn't very good at keeping eye contact, it just felt a little bit weird to do so if you're not talking or anything (her heart would always start raising as well when she made eye contact with Bendy, but she didn't like to admit it.)

  "I really think you should head home though." Bendy said, breaking the silence. "You said you had a cat right?"

  "Oh, yeah Mochi." She would probably be wondering where (Y/N) was right now. (Y/N) didn't usually work so late.

  "Don't you think she's going to get worried at how long you've been gone?" Bendy asked. Even though (Y/N) knows Bendy was just trying to get her to go home, he had a point.

  (Y/N) sighed. "Alright." She admitted defeat. "I'll head home." She knew there was no point in arguing any longer.

  Bendy seemed to be humble enough not to boast about winning this conversation and just nodded. But (Y/N) did see a small smirk on his face.

  (Y/N) placed the utensils that were spread all across her desk back neatly in the pencil holder. She left the cells out so she could continue right away the next day.

  When (Y/N) turned she saw that Bendy had already got her purse ready and was holding it up for her to take. She smiled and reached out to grab it. But she then felt her fingers graze his and she had to stop herself from jerking back as she felt her face heat up again. "Thank you." She tried not to stutter.

  "Your welcome." Bendy then gestured to the door. "Now I think it's time for you to go home."

  (Y/N) sighed and just shook her head. He really wanted to get her home. (Y/N) and Bendy headed down stairs and (Y/N) headed outside as Bendy stood by at the entrance of the studio. "See you tomorrow (Y/N)." Bendy waved at her.

(Y/N) waved back before getting in her car. She pulled out of the parking lot and drove home.

  When she got home she saw Mochi eating from her food bowl. She lifted her head up and meowed at her.

  "What did you miss me?" (Y/N) asked, jokingly. She placed her purse on the couch and headed upstairs. She flopped in her bed. Not even bothering to change her clothes when she felt how tired she was. A small smile escaped her face as she pressed her face in her soft pillow.

  (Y/N) glanced at her clock on her night stand. It was 1:30 in the morning. She felt the weight of her heavy eyelids slowly close and immediately when they did she fell into a deep sleep.

Eeeeloooo everybody! I have no idea what to say at the end of these, rip. Agin I know this was pretty short but don't worry, I plan on making the next one a bit longer. Peace out for now!

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