The Sailor Suit

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  Joey Drew Studio's was starting up it's new season of the Bendy show. As usual, it was so busy and everyone was basically working themselves to the bone. They were making the episodes a bit longer then from the last season. But even it if was just by a few minutes, the animators were still working for hours at their desks. Barely taking any of their breaks and had who knows how much cups of coffee at their desks.

  They did have a small cheat. Thanks to them having the toons, they can record them doing some of the scenes with the equipment they had, instead of wasting hours on such a simple animation part. They didn't have the best equipment, since they are an animation studio, not a live action one. But they were able to make the best of it.

  The toons seemed to really enjoy acting, since they were meant to entertain children. Even if it wasn't such a special part, (Y/N) could tell that they were having fun.

  Ever since they started doing that, they got more lights, better cameras, and even some professionals.

  It was now a week where they were extremely close to a deadline, so they got everyone set up in the recording room for a specific scene Joey Drew gave them. The animator that was supposed to work on that part was very sick, so they couldn't work on it. Everyone else was too busy on their part to take it, even (Y/N), who'd usually offer to take that person's part, or even just start or finish it for them.

  (Y/N) was at the recording booth, watching everything be set up. She was on her break, and they let people who are on their break watch, as long as they aren't a disturbance.

  (Y/N) watched as they set up fake, but realistic looking palm trees and against the wall was a view of the ocean with some boats for the background. They moved a replica of a top of a boat and then a dock that she guessed the toons could stand on. It looked really good, all that they needed to do was put up the lighting. (Y/N) knew it could be hard to set up the right lighting for a scene, especially of one where you had to mimic the sun.

  "Everything is almost done!" Joey said. "Are the toons ready?" He asked going to a room at the side of a stage where the toons got changed.

  "Almost!" Boris was the one to answer, stepping out. He was wearing a light blue T-shirt and shorts with little fish designs on them.

  "Though, Bendy is refusing to come out." Alice said, stepping out from behind Boris. She was wearing a pink and purple stripped swimsuit, with a small purple swim skirt, she also had sunglasses on her head.

  "Why?" Joey asked.

  Alice raised an eyebrow at him. "Why don't you ask him, yourself?" She turned back to the room. "Come on, Bendy!" She called. "We're about to start!"

  "No! I'm not coming out wearing this!" Bendy yelled back.

  "Oh, that." Joey said, mumbling, as if he didn't mean to say out loud.

  "Come on! It doesn't look that...bad." Alice called again, but there was a bit of a hesitation at the end.

  (Y/N) could hear a muffled snort and a "Yeah right" from inside the room.

  "If we start now Bendy, we can get it over with quicker." Boris said, with a hint of optimism in his voice.

  There was a few moments of silence, if you ignored the sound of building in the background. Then there was a sigh from the room.

  The door slowly creaked open and Bendy stepped out. (Y/N) nearly gasped as she saw what he was wearing.

  He was wearing a black and white swim suit, kinda like Alice's, but without the skirt. He had a sailor hat on, between his horns. He also had the classic water tube with red and white stripes, but instead of red it was black.

  Bendy's face was flushed up in embarrassment as almost all eyes were on him and his ridiculous outfit. There was small chuckles from some of the employees that caused Bendy to glare at them. "Laugh and you're fired." He threatened, which got the employees to stop. But (Y/N) could tell that they were having trouble not laughing. She couldn't blame em', she had to cover her mouth not to at least giggle.

"Alright, now that Bendy is out, we can start." Joey said, trying to act like Bendy wasn't wearing the sailor suit version of a clown costume. But he wasn't doing such a good job at hiding it.

The toons went up stage. Poor Bendy looked like he wanted to jump off a cliff. The cameraman called out "action" and started recording.

  So the toons began their act, residing the lines they memorized. Bendy was able to keep a straight face the whole time, even if he was wearing a summer outfit that looked like it was sent from Santa Clause. Boris and Alice were able to as well. But sometimes they did let out some small chuckles by accident. Boris looking guilty every time, while Alice, not really.

  (Y/N) the whole time while watching felt bad for Bendy and even pretty guilty for nearly laughing. (Y/N) remembered being in the storyboard room, and they showed everyone in there the new episode that was about the toons going to the beach. (Y/N) completely forgot about Bendy's outfit that he would wear in the later episode, because she got a part in the beginning. She now remembered them showing Bendy's outfit and Bendy was in the storyboard room with them, he didn't seem to mind it, but she guessed actually wearing it was a completely different story then just seeing a drawing or an animation of you wearing it.

  After a few more takes, they were done. Bendy sighed relief. He quickly got off stage and headed towards the changing room. But he didn't seem to be paying attention and he ran into (Y/N).

  "Oh, I'm sorry, I-" He stiffened as he stared up at (Y/N). "(Y/N)!? You were here the whole time!?"

  (Y/N) was a bit confused why he was suddenly so frantic. "Uh, yes..." she saw his face deepen in blush. "It's ok, it doesn't look that bad." She tried to reassure him. But that didn't seem to work as he quickly walked away to the changing room, she heard a small groan from him as he left. That was kinda weird. (Y/N) thought.

  "Wow, (Y/N)." Alice startled her a bit as she walked up to her with Boris beside her. "I knew Bendy liked you. But I'd never thought he'd be that flustered around anyone."

  (Y/N) stiffened. "Wait. Did you just say that he 'liked me?'" (Y/N)'s heart fluttered at the thought.

  "Oh, absolutely." Alice said without hesitation. "It's quite obvious."

  "Did you really not know?" Boris asked.

  "No!" (Y/N)'s face heated up and she felt like there was millions of butterflies in her stomach.

  "Do you not notice the way he's been acting around you." Alice asked.

  Now that (Y/N) thought about it. He did treat about her a bit differently then the other workers. How he was worried about her when she got sick that one time or even how he seemed to talk to her more often, even at her desk.

  (Y/N) shook her head. "No, there has to be a different reason for it." They were just friends. So it was normal for him to worry about her or talk to her often. He was just being a good friend, like how Alice, Susie, and Boris would treat her. But she couldn't get her mind off, while she headed back to work, of the idea if he really liked her or not.

Lets Go! It's finally out and now I am back to write more. I hoped you like this part. It was also kinda funny how (Y/N) found out the Bendy possibly liked her in this part where he is wearing a sailor suit. Probably one of the most awkward times to find out, lol.
Have a good day/or night, I'll see ya'll next week, bye!!

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