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Sapphire was woken up to the blaring ringing of her phone as the notifications came through. She ground as she reached for her bedside table grabbing her phone to see who was spamming her.


Scotty: meet at my place ASAP






Big bro: Sapphire I don't care if you are sleeping you need to wake the hell up!!

Sapphire rolled her eyes at all the messages and got out of bed. She walked to her mirror and grabbed her hair brush, quickly brushing her hair and putting it into a messy bun. She didn't care if she was still in her pjs since she was only going to Scotts.

She grabbed her phone and house keys then headed towards the front door, stopping to grab her sneakers and putting them on, no way was she walking around in her socks.

Sapphire walked down the street and headed for the MCall household, she was glad that it was only a 20 minute walk. She sent a quick message to Stiles letting him know she was on her way.

Sapphire walked through the front door instantly stopping when she was met with two very worried looking teens.

"Stiles, Scott... what the HELL is going on!" she exclaimed, causing both boys to flinch at how loud her voice was.

Stiles looked at Scott nodding to him "you can tell her" he said.

Scott looked at him shocked. "Why me?" he said in a whiney voice.

"Because this is all your fault!" Stiles exclaimed.

Sapphire grew impatient waiting for one of them to speak, but before she could say anything, Scott started talking.

"I kind of kidnapped Liam, he's upstairs in the bathroom" Scott said looking down not wanting to see the angry look on the girl's face.

Sapphire didn't even speak as she ran up the stairs and towards the bathroom, she slammed the door open to be met with a terrified Liam tied up in the bathtub with duck tape covering his mouth.

"What the fuck!" she yelled as she ran towards Liam, grabbing the end off the duct tape before pausing.

"I'm sorry, this is gonna hurt" she said as he nodded, she pulled off the tape as he groaned in pain before she grabbed his hands to untie them.

Liam stepped out of the bathtub, looking over to the boys with an angry look on his face.

"Okay Liam, you've seen a lot of confusing things tonight, and more confusing things are gonna happen because of the confusing things that have happened tonight, understand?" Stiles said while Scott looked really confused as to what he just said.

Liam looked to Stiles before shaking his head "not really".

"Good, that's good" Stiles said.

"But I don't understand either" Scott said, causing Sapphire to look down sighing in disappointment.

"That's because you're dumb Scott" Sapphire said with a grin on her face.

Stiles gave her a serious look before speaking again "okay, all jokes aside, Scott you should tell him".

Liam looked up with a worried look "tell me what?" he said as Scott stepped forward.

"Liam... what happened to you, what I did to you, which I had to do in order to save you, i-it's gonna change you" Scott said before Stiles interrupted.

"Unless it kills you" he said, causing Liam to look at them with a terrified look.

"I shouldn't have said that" Stiles said.

"You think?" Sapphire scolded.

Liam looked at Sapphire before he looked down and started to cry.

"Oh no, is he crying?" Stiles said.

Sapphire walked up to him and knelt down to his level since he was sitting on a chair. "Liam you're gonna be alright, okay I promise" she said before Stiles interrupted again.


Sapphire smacked the back of her brother's head as he winced in pain.

"Okay I deserved that one" he said while rubbing the back of his head.

Liam still hadn't stopped crying as he started whimpering, clearly afraid of what was happening.

"Liam, are you okay?" Scott asked as the young boy stood up from the chair, he gently pushed Sapphire to the side as he turned around grabbing the chair. It took them a second to realise what he was doing before the chair came into contact with the two boys who fell to the floor.

Stiles slowly stood up before looking at Liam shocked "Liam what the hell is you-" but before he could finish a fist came into contact with his face.

Stiles fell to the floor groaning in pain as Sapphire looked in shock before Liam grabbed her hand and ran out the door.

Scott and Stiles were standing in the doorway as Liam and Sapphire stopped to look behind them.

"GET HIM!" Stiles yelled, before the two charged toward Liam and Saph screaming, Liam shoved Sapphire out of the way screaming as he was tackled down the stairs. The three boys landed in a pile on the floor groaning, Liam got up wrestling with the boys before escaping out the front door, Scott and Stiles didn't seem to realise as they were still on the floor grabbing each other's legs thinking it was Liam.

"I got him, I got him!" Stiles yelled as he looked toward Scott who looked back with an annoyed look, they let go of each other before looking to the open door and Liam nowhere to be found.

Sapphire walked down the stairs laughing at her two best friends "you two looked like idiots".

Scott ignored her before speaking "your plan sucked to" he said to Stiles who nodded in disappointment.

A/N: I know this is short and it's taken me a while to updated but next chapter will be longer.

– K  

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