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Sapphire walked down the dark walkway at her beacons hills high. She had gone for a run to let off some steam, it was around 12 at night so she assumed there wouldn't be anyone around.

As she skipped to the beat of her music she instantly stopped when she saw a figure sprint towards the school sign. The person stopped to look back and Sapphire could make out that the figure was a female. She slowly walked up to her to see if she was alright. The girl looked terrified, she looked around until her eyes landed on Sapphire.

"You need to go. Or they'll kill you to" the girl said before sprinting off towards the buses.

Sapphire ran after the girl quickly stuffing her head phones into her pocket along with her phone. She watched in shock as the girl jumped over the railing without using her hands. Sapphire stopped to look back and saw a girl walking towards them, she didn't think twice before jumping over the railing and running towards the buses but the girl was no longer in sight.

"Fuck, where did you go?" she questioned to herself.

Sapphire heard a light knock on the window of the bus and turned to see the girl with a scared look on her face.

"You need to hide, right now" she whisper yelled through the slightly opened window.

"Who is after yo-" she didn't get to finish her sentence as she was thrown in the bus opposite them. Sapphire groaned as she fell to the ground. She looked up but couldn't see who threw her.

"Leave her alone!" Sapphire yelled.

Seconds later the blond haired girl sprinted out of the bus heading for the street. Sapphire got up and ran towards a car, hiding behind it. She looked up to see the girl get into a car that had stopped in front of her.

"Get in!" the driver yelled.

The girl looked back and locked eyes with you before looking back at the driver.

"Come on, she's coming, get in!" he yelled.

The girl jumped into the car shutting the door, Sapphire stared in horror as she heard the girl scream, she watched as the girl was stabbed.

"Oh my god" Sapphire said as she saw the killer's face.

It was Garret.

Sapphire looked towards the field behind her, without a second thought she took off in a sprint not wanting to die.

"Sapphire, get back here!" Garret yelled as he got out of the car slamming the door.


Stiles POV:

I was in my room looking at my suspect board when I heard the front door swing open into the wall, hearing frantic footsteps running up the stairs I look towards my door swings open and Sapphire sprints in crying.

"Hey- hey what happened?" I ask my sister as I pull her into a hug.

She wraps her arms around me and sobs into my shoulder "G-Garrett killed t-this girl" she choked out.

My eyes went wide with shock. I knew Garrett was an asshole but I didn't think he would ever kill someone.

"I'm gonna call Scott, you should go get some sleep" I said letting go of Saph.

"I don't wanna be alone, Stiles I'm scared" she said.

I nodded and grabbed her hand "I'll sleep on the bean bag in your room, okay?" I asked.

Sapphire nodded and led us to her room. I grabbed a blanket and sat in the bean bag putting the blanket over me.

"You're gonna be okay Saph, I promise" I told her as she climbed into her bed.

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