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Sapphire sat in the stands looking out towards the lacrosse field as the two teams got ready. She heard her phone buzz and grabbed it out of her bag that sat at her feet.

Dad x:

Are you at the game?


Yes, where r u?

Dad x:

On my way x

She turned her phone off and looked down at Scott who was talking to Kira, who looked worried, probably about the lacrosse game. Sapphire immediately rolled her eyes when she saw devenford prep walk past.

"I really hate those guys" she mumbled to herself.

She watched as they stopped and started getting ready, Sapphire looked over and spotted Liam and Mason talking not too far away from her. She got up and grabbed her bag, quickly walking towards them.

"I don't care if he's a foot taller than me. I think I can take him" Liam said, clearly talking about Brett.

Mason was quick to agree as he stared at the Devenford boy "yeah".

Liam looked back to Brett then to Mason furrowing his eyebrows "what do you think you're doing?" he asked his best friend.

Mason quickly looked away from Brett trying not to look suspicious "what? Me?. Agreeing with you."

"I'm being agreeable"

Liam wasn't buying it and turned to look at Brett again then back to Mason "you think he's hot don't you?"

"What! No, no, not at all, no way!" Mason defended but was clearly lying.

"Oh, he definitely does" Sapphire said, throwing her arm around Mason's shoulder.

"Okay, maybe" Mason said.

"He wants to destroy me" Liam reminded his friends.

"I think you could definitely take him"

"And then give him to me" Mason said.

Liam and Sapphire both stifled a laugh, looking at Mason.

"No, no, just go out there and kick their smug prep school asses" Mason said.

"Fuck yeah!" Sapphire said, causing her friends to laugh.

"All right" he said as he put his helmet on and headed for his team.

Sapphire and Mason headed towards the stands grabbing their seats as they got ready to watch the game.

"He can do this" Sapphire said.

"Yeah, definitely" Mason replied.


3rd person POV:

"Let's go, let's go, come on!" coach yelled.

"Hey McCall I said get your ass on the field" he finished.

"But coach, his leg's still healing. I don't think he should play" Scott said, gesturing towards Liam.

"He said it's fine" coach said.

"As captain I suggest Liam sits out the game" Scott protested.

Coach Finstock laughed in Scott's face "and as uh president of the United States, I'm vetoing that suggestion".

"What if he gets hurt?" Scott asked.

"Hey Liam, think fast!" Brett yelled as he threw a lacrosse ball toward the teen.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2023 ⏰

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