Chp.2 The Unpleasant Group

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As we left off, Clementine and (YN) continue their walk to go find Christa, and also dealing with Sam, who viciously attacked Clementine, leaving a bite mark on her arm, and (YN) to take care of him in a less painful way...the bite is getting worse and worse. In the woods, it was a bit foggy, and evening too. Clementine was tired as well, and can't keep up...

Clementine: (YN)...I'm..tired, and it hurts a lot..

(YN): I know Clem, but we have to-

Clementine: N-No!! I can't keep moving, I'm really t tired...can't we rest for a bit...please?

(YN): ....Okay, Okay yeah, we'll rest for a bit, here, let's sit down.

The two then sat down and to lean gainer a boulder, as Clementine leans towards (YN), and (YN) wrapping his arm around...and the two to get some rest for a bit...


Later on, (YN) slowly started to wake up and to hear grunting, he looks and notices walkers around them, and one of them spotting them...

(YN): Shit! Clem! Clem wake up!!

Clementine: Wh-Wha??!

(YN): We gotta go! Walkers are around us!

Clementine: What?! O-Okay!

The two quickly got up and were gonna make a run for, but (YN) notices Clementine looking a bit dizzy and not feeling good and was going to fall. (YN) quickly grabs Clem, as he then picks her up rom his back and giving her a piggy back and to make a run for...
As he does, more walkers started to appear as he avoids them, but then, he trips over a branch on the floor, falling and Clementine as well, one of the walkers got on top of (YN) as another one was approaching to Clem...

(YN): No!!! Get away from her!!

(YN) shoves the Walker off from him, and to stomp his head and to go save Clem. But suddenly, an arrow then appear and to shoot down the Walker that was gonna go after Clem, and more arrows appear and to shoot down more walkers...

(YN): What the-?!

???: I'm out! Grab her and let's go!

???: I got you! Come on kid!

(YN) notices two survivors came for the help, one of them grabbing Clementine and (YN) running with them to avoid the walkers...
Some time later, they manage to ran as far as they can from the walkers...

???: I think...I think we're safe.

???: Yeah, yeah we're good.

The two adults then look at (YN)...

???: What about you son?

(YN): I-I'm fine, thanks.

He approaches to one of them that's holding Clementine...

(YN): Clem, you okay too!?

Clementine: I-I'm fine...I think..

(YN): Phew, good....and, thank you

???: Anytime kid.

???: Now come on, let's get going.

They began waking down the woods one of the adults ask (YN) a question...

???: What are you two even doing out here??

???: Do you have people with ya? I mean there's no chance you two made it this far on your own.

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