Chp.11 Carver's Prison Pt.2

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Meanwhile, outside of huge building that is a so called "Prison", in the woods, we surprisingly then get to finally see (YN) and Luke, which took them a day to arrive. The two were hiding through the woods and not o be spotted by Carver's guards...

Luke: Alright, here it is.

(YN): <Ay guey> By camp, I didn't expected a whole ass building.

Luke: Surprise, right?

(YN): Yeah, but Luke, those walkers we just saw during our walk, there's like a ton of them!

Luke: Yeah, no kidding, must be thousands of them. And they seem to be coming this way too...Okay, follow me and don't get caught.

(YN) follows Luke as the two duck and to jog towards the wall and not get spotted...Luke then open the door quietly inside as he and (YN) entered, closes it and to find themselves in a storage room, nothing but food and supplies...

(YN): Woah! Look at all this food!

Luke: Yup, okay follow me here.

Luke and (YN) walks up to another door, as Luke opens and takes a peek out to see any guards out, so far, nothing...

Luke: Okay, we're in the clear, now when I say go, we-

(YN): *Crunch*

Luke then hears crunching sound, as he turns and to see (YN) eating a bag of chips from the storage...

Luke: Are you-(YN), the hell you think you're doing?!

(YN): What?? I'm hungry, want some??

Luke: Wha-No! We have to focus here!

(YN): Ohh, right right! Sorry, the food kinda got me.

Luke: Ehh I don't blame you. Okay..

Luke takes another peek out, and to be clear again...

Luke: Okay, on three, we run as fast as we can to that other door over there across okay?

(YN): Got it.

Luke: One...Two...Three!

Luke and (YN) burst out of the room and to run as fast as they can across the hall and to reach to the other room without getting caught. As they got there, the room they're in is an room filled with comic books as they roam around a little...

(YN): Aw cool! Comic books!

Luke: Heh, man, I remember me and Nick would come here and read comics when we ditch work.

(YN): Luke, I hear footsteps outside!

Both stood quiet, as they quickly sneak up to the door that leads outside...the two peek out, and the footsteps they were hearing were coming from Clementine, (YN) hipsters at her through the door..

(YN): Clem! Clem over here!

Clementine: (YN)?!

Clementine looks around to make sure no one is seeing, she quickly runs in, and to happily see (YN) as the two gave each other a hug...

Clementine: I was so worried for you!

(YN): I should ask the same thing! Are you alright?! Are you hurt?! They didn't hurt you, right??

Clementine: I'm fine (YN), really. I'm just glad to see you.

(YN): Heh, me too. What about Kenny and the others??

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