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The next day afternoon, Clem's arm was feeling better, (YN) was relief to hear about it. The two then went to go out hunting with Pete and Nick, Pete was with the kids as he chats with them...

Pete: How you two holding up? I heard the both of y'all went at it with Rebecca last night. Once she gets going, there is no going back.

(YN): She's just all talk, she don't scare me.

Clementine: What's her problem anyway?

Pete: Oh you know, just stressing about how to take care of the baby she and Alvin will have soon.

(YN): Seems like it.

Clementine: So how far are these fish traps?

Pete: It ain't further...say, have anyone teach y'all to shoot a weapon? By that I mean proper.

(YN): Yea, our friend Lee taught us.

Pete: That's good, it's important now a days.

Clementine: But not a rifle like that.

Pete: Makes sense, less kick, this thing would probably knock on your asses, heh. You know, when Nick was about your ages, the first time I took him out hunting, came across this beautiful 13 point buck just standing there. The boy takes the rifle, lines up the shot just like I taught and...well starts whining and crying. He turns to me and says "I can't do it, I can shoot it Uncle, please don't make me"

Clementine: Aww, that's sad.

(YN): Heh, what a baby.

Nick: Hey!

Nick then appears and catches up to them...

Nick: Why didn't you wait?

Pete: You want us to wait and stand around while you're pissing on a tree? You know where the river is boy.

With Nick here, they continue their walk...

Pete: So anyways, I go grab the gun out of his hand before the big duck runs off when BANG! The gun fires, boy nearly hit shots me and of course the buck runs away.

Nick: What are you going telling them for?!

Pete: Cause you almost blow their faces off, seems relevant. Try to let them know it ain't personal with you.

Nick: Why are you always giving me a hard time?

Pete: Cause YOU always give everyone one else a hard time.

Clementine: Hey, it's okay, he apologized to us last night.

(YN): Yeah, don't worry.

Nick: ...You're always trying to embarrass me.

Pete: You're a good job doing it all your on your own.

Nick scoffs as he holds his rifle and passes Pete..

Pete: Leaving us again-

S2 Clementine x Male Reader (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now