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After everything that has happen...Clementine was sleeping on the floor near the fireplace as she slowly started waking up, seeing Arvo tied up, and to also notice she's covered in a blanket, she stood up and noticed Jane sitting down near her with baby AJ on the little cabinet, sleeping of course.

Jane: Hey, you're up.

Clementine: Wh..Where's (YN)?

Jane: He'll be back, went to make some chocolate for you till you woke up...Kenny's outside working on some stupid truck.

Clementine stood up and to sit down with Jane, and to see Baby AJ resting at ease as she smiles in relief...but to see Jane feel sad, sad the fact that Luke is gone...

Jane: I can't believe it...he's gone. I lost people before but this one...this one feels...different.

Clementine: ..He was a great guy.

Jane: ...God damn it...I shouldn't have come back, I knew this would happen, I just...knew it.

Clementine: ...We'll be okay.

Jane: ...Thanks.

(YN) then appears with a cup of hot chocolate on his hands and sighs in relief to see Clem awake...

(YN): Oh great, you're awake, I made this for you.

He hands her the hot chocolate, as she took some sips...

Clementine: Thank you.

(YN): No problem.

Suddenly, Kenny appears too...

Kenny: Feeling better kids?

(YN): Yeah.

Kenny: ..Hell of a day. But listen, we gotta get moving, if you both are feeling up to it, I could use you help with the truck outside, knowing this house ain't worth a crap, but vehicle ain't bad shape, with a little luck, we can get it fix up in no time.

Clementine: Yeah.

(YN): Sure Kenny.

Kenny: That's the spirit, I'll wait for y'all outside.

Kenny how's our snd waits for them, as Clem and (YN) both look at AJ..

Jane: I'll watch him.

(YN): Okay, thanks.

Clementine stood up, grabs her sweater, puts it on as she and (YN) walk out the house and meet up with Kenny...

Kenny: So, what did SHE had to say? Cause I know she was running her mouth.

Clementine: Well, we didn't talk about you.

Kenny: Oh, Really??

(YN): Relax Ken.

Kenny: *sighs* Sorry, Sorry.

They walk over to the truck...

Kenny: Look what's over now. But AJ needs us now. We gotta stick together on this thing, alright?

Clementine: Of course.

(YN): Besides, we kept our promise to Rebecca well take good care of him.

Kenny: I know y'all will, we will....anyways, let's see if the trucks gonna go.

Kenny hands (YN) the keys to the truck as he and (YN) got in the truck and Kenny to work on the engine...

Kenny: My daddy always had a half dozen wrecks he was fixing up. He was a mean old son of a bitch though, but taught me respect. Girl like Jane, could learn a thing or two about that.

S2 Clementine x Male Reader (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now