Chp.25 Team Kenny

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Some time later...Clementine finally was waking up after what happen back at the house. She hears voices...

Jane: On the left!

(YN): Try slowing down Ken!

Kenny: I'm trying!

Clementine wakes up to find herself at the backseat with (YN)...Jane upfront holding AJ and Kenny driving the truck...

(YN): Clem!! You're awake!

Jane: Clem hey!

Kenny: Oh thank for your awake! We've been worried as hell.

Jane: You passed out from the shock.

Clementine: Wh-What happen..??

Kenny: That fucking piece of shit Russkie shot you, don't worry...(YN) took cared of him.

Clementine: ..(YN)?

(YN): ...I thought I lost you for good. That dick head had it coming either way.

Clementine: ..I understand...thanks. *gently smiles*

(YN): *smiles* We had to run the truck to keep you warm. How do you feel?

Clementine: ..Still hurts.

Jane: (YN) helped me find the bullet, but must've done clean through. It'll burn a while, but you'll be fine.

Kenny: Tch, those sons of bitches. I mean, i expected from the Russian, but Mike and Bonnie?! I could tell a mile away they were working on something.

Jane: I didn't expect them to go that far.

Kenny: Yeah well who would steal our food and shoot a girl. We should have never stick with trays like that.

Clementine: ..I can't believe they did that.

(YN): Neither did I, didn't knew what they were doing but to try running away.

Kenny: Yeah, well they're gone now. Good fucking riddance.

Jane: Now that Clem is awake, we should talk about where we're going.

Kenny: North of course.

Jane: Wellington? Seriously?!

Kenny: You know, you sure like to talk alot of shit, but you got a better plan?

Jane: We s head south, back to Howe's.

Kenny: Carver's camp?! The fuck kind of plan is that?! You really think (YN) would wanna go back there after the shit he witness to find out that fucker was his piece of suit father?!

Jane: Hey like it or not, Bonnie said there's more formula back there. And we can actually know where it is.

Kenny: AND it's over run by a damn herd.

Clementine: Wellington is out there.

(YN): Yeah, we just need to push more.

Jane: What?? You two are borrowing this?? Don't fall for this-

Kenny: They made up her mind.

Jane: Come you two please, this is suicide.

Kenny: Why don't you let them think what they want for once?

Jane: Why don't you?

Kenny: Me!?

Jane: Look, even if there is someplace up there, it could take us weeks to find it, we can find Howe's in like a day or two.

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