Chp.21 CampFire

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Later that day, it was evening and night was about to appear any second, The group and Arvo were walking through the woods as they drop and to spot an area where happen to be an abandon power station..

Kenny: Is that it?

Arvo: It? It what??

Kenny: The fuck You mean "what"?! The place you're fucking taking us!

Jane: He doesn't speak that much English.

Jane: Yeah no shit.

Clementine: Arvo, that's not the place you're taking us, right?

(YN): Look, how much further is the house your taking about?

Kenny: Answer them god damn it!

Arvo: ...Still more walk, couple more hours.

Kenny: *sighs* God damn it, knew this would happen, this guy fucked us.

Bonnie: Well it is getting dark, maybe we should stop for the night.

Kenny: Tch, this is bullshit!

Jane: Hey relax-

Kenny: Don't tell me to relax. He's lying, lying us this whole time!

Mike: You don't know that.

Kenny: I know we've been walking all day and we're still fucking nowhere.

Clementine: Hey come on, Bonnie is right, we should stop for tonight, besides, Luke needs a break, we all do.

Luke: ..I mean, I could use the rest.

(YN): And that power station there around the fence, we can go in and camp there. Look, can we just try have a calm quiet night, please?

Kenny: ...Yea, sure thing (YN), no worries.

Baby AJ started to quietly whine and cry...

Kenny: Oh shit, hey it's okay little guy.

Jane: Well if we're staying, we should scout them place out.

Kenny: Alright then, I'll come with, y'all can stay here and we'll make sure this ain't some Walker next we're locking ourselves into. (YN), see if you can calm him down for a bit?

(YN): Sure thing.

Kenny hands (YN) the baby as he goes with Jane to check the place out, Baby AJ started to whine more as (YN) comes up with something to calm him down...he gives a silly face with his tongue out, which made baby AJ giggle and calming down...

Mike: Heh, never thought that would work.

(YN): Me neither.

Clementine: That was a silly look.

(YN): Oh shut up, heh.

Clementine: *giggles*

Both Clem snd (YN) stood close together as the two looked at Baby AJ with a smile of how calm and adorable he looks sleeping...

Bonnie: I think he liked the both of you.

Clementine: He's cute.

(YN): And really adorable.

Bonnie: He sure is, you know most babies are pretty ugly this soon after being born.

Mike: True, they usually look like weird little aliens.

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