chapter 4: Home?

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    It's been a few weeks... And I'm still here. No mention of me going home and no visits from the lady of the house. I'm very confused, I've been healed for a week now, I'm getting around by myself. Why won't they send me home? What is going on? I ask all these questions but no one gives me answers, just silence or hushed whispers when I'm around and I'm getting tired of it. WHAT IS GOING ON?! it's driving me crazy. They hurry around as if they are preparing for something with worried expressions on their faces. I've taken to just laying in the bed or walking around the gardens, it's starting to feel lonely. I just want to see my family, or at least know they are ok. Alister, other than my mother I just want to see Alister.
     Oh God I've missed mine and Alister's wedding. I don't think I realized just how much I cared about him until I was made to stay away from him. I just want to go back home make everything right again. Everything normal again, or as normal as it was.
   As I'm running my fingers along the long stone fence that separates the garden from the river, someone taps me on the shoulder. "Oh Simon it's you." The young boy who I first awoke to when I came here. He gives me a small smile. " Yes ms. Alycia sorry if I startled you dinner is ready, the lady of the house told me to inform you. She wants to see you." A breath catches in my throat, it's finally time to ask her some questions. Maybe she will be the one with answers. I all but run to the dining room, opening the huge wooden doors and seeing her sitting at the end of the table, hurry and take my place beside her. She's honestly just as stunning as the first time I saw her but this time she's dressed less casual? Yes I believe that's what the ancients called her type of clothing and apparently the weird blue pants she was wearing was called jeans. She has on a sleek black dress and her hair has fallen into loose curls. She looks tired, and worried.
    "Alicya so happy youre here. Grab some food then we will discuss some things." She slides me a plate of chicken, broccoli, and some kind of sauce. Then pours me a glass of wine. I ate, probably, too quickly eager to know what she wanted me here for. "Slow down you'll choke hun. Here wipe your face." I wipe it with the rag and put it beside me. "Why am I still here?" I blurt out not even thinking before the words just came. "Yes, I figured you'd want an answer to that. Listen carefully. First and foremost, you're family is safe along with your... Alister. But the human world has became more dangerous. The Dregarn, sorry the creatures, have gotten more powerful. I can't chance sending you back there until we figure out why. I know this must be frustrating, more than frustrating I'm sure. I apologize for any hurt this may be causing you. Be asurred we are actively making sure your family is ok." The Dregarn? Finally a name to the creatures. " Why can't you bring my family here? Alister? His family? You bring me here, it shouldn't be too hard right?" I'm shaking at this point I know she promised me their safety but, I find that hard to believe not if they are still there. If they are still there then they are still in danger, I need to help them. "I can't. Believe me I've tried something is stopping me." "What do you mean something is stopping you? You're an ancient right? I need to go back home I'm better I can help protect them I've caught the creatures many times before." I stand up from my seat and head to the big wooden doors red flushing my cheeks and anger setting into my bones. " You can't Alicya. No one can come and no one can leave, and last time you came against a Dregarn you damn near died. I'm sorry I truly am but you can't leave." My blood is boiling and I spin around to face her. Her head is hung low as if she feels defeated, ashamed. "I will find a way out of here. One way or another. You're talking about my families lives and I appreciate you saving me but I'd do that all over again if it means they are safe, there's children, children and there's mom, dad... Alister. I will find a way out." She just looks at me, pure sorrow in her eyes I may not be able to find a way out of here after all but I will try I can't just stay here. "Do what you must, but I assure you there is no way out. Be careful, not all Ancients are as accepting of human kind and trust me they can smell you from miles away. If you stay here I can keep you safe, if you leave there's nothing I can do for you beyond the gardens, that's as far as my shield reaches." I drop into a chair elbows on the table, head in hands, defeated.  She reaches her hand out and puts it on top of mine. "Alicya they will stay safe I managed to get a few of my men out as the gates closed, I got word that they made it and was able to put a small protection inchantment on their settlement, it should last I just don't know how long. And Alicya call me Avasa or Avy which ever you see fit." I lift my head up and look into her eyes, they look as if tears was brimming at the edges. She runs my hand again and gives a half hearted smile. "Your family is just as important to me as they are to you. I owe your mother so much, I'll give details later but she saved my life and I'm forever in her debt. You have to trust that we can keep them safe."  Tears start rolling down my face as I start to sob uncontrollably. Everything is out of my control, I'm stuck here while my family is in danger and there is nothing I can do. Avasa moves closer to me and wraps an arm around me pulling me close and rubs my hair with the other hand. The familiar hum I had heard weeks ago starts to vibrate in her chest almost as if it's coming out of her and wrapping me in the tune. We sit there that way, her and I, the humming enveloping us both sending a calming vibration through my body. I don't know what this is. Honestly at the moment I don't really care, I lay my head against her chest and hum along with her, my eyes held shut, tears still streaming down my face.

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