chapter 5: a glimps

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     I don't think I've ever felt this lonely. There's a house full of people and I feel like I'm by myself. Avasa still visits, still talks. I enjoy when she's around but it doesn't compare to my family, our conversations. I miss my mom, my dad, my sister's. I just wish I could see them somehow. These thoughts constantly plague my mind. I look around this beautiful place. The stone walls with many colors and patterns. The silk tapestry hanging from the ceilings. The tall wooden doorways. It's beautiful, don't get me wrong. But it's not home.
     What I would give for the tattered run down wallpaper. The dusty sheets. This place isn't me. It's not where I belong. I belong out in the world hunting and fighting. I belong out there helping to keep them safe.

It's the third time this week I've told Simon I do not want to wear a dress and I've asked several times where my old clothing was, as torn as it may be. He always smiles and waves his hand into the air as if to shush me. I always get a chuckle out of it, he's the only amusement I have here and we've gotten quite close. "Don't get me a dress, where are my clothes? No don't touch my hair. Truly, Alicya, you're exhausting sometimes." I chuckle and roll my eyes. "You know you'd think after the first two times I said no. You'd take the hint." I nudge him in the arm and take a bite of the apple I grabbed out of the kitchen earlier. He smiles and nudges me back. "So, what do you plan on doing today?"  "Not sure considering I'm stuck in this place for a while. I think I've done everything there is to do at least one hundred times, or so it seems. Avasa said that I may be able to go out with her today." I start swinging my legs off the side of the dock that comes over the big pond in the garden. I am kind of excited as today Avasa said that I may be able to leave this place for a short period, I've been in this house for too long. Or mansion, it's huge. Simon gave a sigh and stood up. "Becareful out there I still don't think it's a good idea. Avasa mentioned it to me yesterday." I looked back and gave a half grin and a nod. I know why he's worried, I'm a little worried too.
       I hear another set of footsteps coming down the dock hurried footsteps but light. I stand up and turn around. Avasa smiles at me and makes her way to where I'm standing, putting an arm around me. "Well are you ready to go?" "Never been more ready in my life let's go."

The city she brung me to is beautiful. Tall standing buildings scattered about, vines and flowers climbing each one. It's like nature and civilization collided. She brings me to a smaller building in an alley way and gesture's to the door. "In here I have a surprise for you." My eyes wide with amazement as I walked into what looked like a small shop. Books of all kinds lined the shelves, price tags on each one. In the middle of that shop sat a woman, her skin bright red, which caught me off guard, and she has big, beautiful violet eyes. A slim face, high cheek bones, Long black hair. Her beauty was mesmerizing, it's like nothing I had seen before. "She has great power, not enough to get you home but, just enough to let you have a glimpse of it." A smile emerged on Avasa's face and she pulled the chair out Infront of the woman. "I'm Tensley, me and Avasa has been friends for years. She explained to me how you missed your family and I wanted to help out. I hope you don't mind." "Not at all I'll take what I can get." She handed me a small bottle. "Drink this and let your mind relax." I gulped the bottle down and emptied my thoughts and counted back from ten. Seemed like something I should do.
   It felt like I was hovering above my village, I could see the guild of crops flourishing like I'd never seen before. Tomatoes, peppers, potatoes, lettuce, and much, much more. I could see my little sister playing by the big tables. I could see my mom hanging clothes out on the line. My father, talking to Malik, they seemed to have no worry in the world as if they didn't know the dangers that lurked just beyond the village. Then something caught me eye. Alister. His once long hair, was cut short, his beard had grown and he had it neatly braided, tied with a piece of twine at the end. He was holding baskets of vegetables bringing them to the table. My mother hurried to him and took them from his arms. "I miss her, you know, I just wish she could come home." He wiped the sweat from his forehead looking down at the ground. "I miss her too. Avasa assured me they are doing everything they can, we just have to be patient." She pats his cheek and begins to cut up some tomatoes. "She's provided us with this, they are doing what they can, with what they have child. Everything will be okay we have to believe that." He knods his head in agreement with my mother then turns to head back to the fields. It felt like I was floating higher and before I knew it I was back in the shop.
      "I wish I could see more. Is there anyway I can see more?" Tears started welling up in my eyes. That wasn't nearly enough. Tensley shook her head a saddened look in her eyes. "It's limited, you can only see so much before the tea decides it's enough. We can't control it."  I guess that's fair all of this is new to me so I'll have to take her words as truth. It was enough to let me know that everything's ok, that they are taken care of. I'll have to take that for what it is.
     Avasa put her hand on my shoulder, "It's time to head back to the manor. You can't be out too long or you'll be spotted."

This is a short chapter the next will be a little longer. As always if you like the chapter please vote and don't be afraid to leave feedback in the comments.

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