chapter 3: Her

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My eyes are blurry as I try to open them, a bright light invades the room I'm in. I try to move as I feel a sharp pain in my shoulder. Maybe I should take it easy. My eyes start to adjust to the room and I see I'm on a bed, but nothing like I've ever seen before. It's soft but also firm. The sheets have a satin feel, I haven't felt something so soft since my dad managed to find a shirt from the old world that had somehow stayed pristine. The walls are a mix of white and green in a fading pattern. Before I had a chance to take everything in, someone walks into the room.
"Oh, I wasn't expecting you to be awake, not that it's not a pleasant sight of course, just you've been asleep for four days. We were beginning to worry that our treatments didn't work." He said with a shy smile on his face. " Any way I've just come in to apply the salve on your wounds. Now that you're awake it'll make it much easier. Do you mind?" He looked young no older than 18. Short, scruffy, brown hair. Icy blue eyes and a slender, but attractive face. " No I don't mind, it's just a bit of a pain to move at the moment." He walks over and starts rubbing the strong smelling salve on my wounds working gently, trying his best not to hurt me more than I already am.
"I'm sure you're curious as to where you are and how you got here? Is that correct?" He said in a gentle tone as he was attending to a deep cut on my side. " Yes, very curious. One minute I'm dying, and seemingly the next I'm in the cleanest room I think I've ever seen." Now that hurts should I say something. No better keep it to myself he's only trying to help. He looks at me as he finishes my side and starts working on my shoulder. "Your parents pleaded with the lady of the house to save you. Our lady is quite fond of human kind as are most of the ancients in the house. When she saw what shape you were in, well she couldn't say no. Besides she owed your parents a favor." I must have the look of shock on my face because he began to look at me concerned. " No need to be frightened, as soon as you're healed we will send you back to your family." He gave me a sincere knod and patted my knee.
I didn't speak as he left the room my mind was racing with too many questions. Why would my mom call on an ancient? Why would she think they would help? Where am I and is Alister okay? Is my family ok? Why did an ancient owe them a favor? Of None of this makes sense to me. After all I was taught from a young age that the ancients and humans are enemies. That the ancients are what brought the creatures upon us. To punish us for waging war against them. So why would an ancient want to help me or my family? My heart starts to race and I can't catch my breath. The pain in my shoulder is searing and my eyes start to water. Why is the pain so bad. I let out a small yelp as I turn my head to my shoulder.
The skin is stretching as if it's growing back before my eyes, not rapidly but just enough where I can see it. What's in this salve. With the new growth is an intricate blue swirling pattern almost like a tattoo swirling one way to the other almost like it's leading the skin back to where it needs to be.

I must have passed out. I wake up to the sound of the room door opening and walks in the most beautiful woman I've ever seen. Long curled brunette hair but up in a tight ponytail. Green eyes that seem to pierce right through you, she has a curvy build and she's maybe five foot tall, five foot three. She's dressed in a pair of blue looking pants made of a weird material, and a shirt that fits her figure well. I'm staring too much, I revert my eyes to the wall beside her.
"Well look who's awake again, seems I can only catch you when you're fast asleep. How are you feeling Alicya? Has the pain gotten any better?" She asks as she makes her way across the room. "My shoulder still hurts and my side itches a bit." For some reason the fear everyone told me I should feel for the ancients isn't there. I feel none at all I feel comfortable and at peace. Why do I feel that way, this isn't making any since. "The salve takes a while to work and to be honest we've never tried it on humans, consider yourself as a trial run for your.... Species." She said the word species in a weird tone as if she was ashamed to speak the word and also a little empatheticly. Can the ancients feel empathy? Are they even capable of feeling at all? Or are they just playing a role for the weird devotion they have for my family? A devotion and relationship I knew nothing about. So many questions but none I'm comfortable enough to ask. Maybe in time, just not now.
I must be taking forever to speak because she's looking at me expectantly, as if she's waiting for me to say something. "What's the blue swirling patterns on my shoulder and my side?" "Honestly I'm not sure the salve doesn't have that effect on us it seems to be exclusive to humans but it looks as if it's binding your wounds together and leaving the strange pattern as it goes. I'm afraid to say if it will go away or not as I'm not sure."
Ok so they don't even know what it is that's... Comforting. I guess I'll take that over a scar any day. "I'm, as everyone likes to call, the lady of the house. I hate that title but I can't seem to get anyone to quit calling me by it so." She has a sheepish grin on her face as she takes the salve out of her shirt pocket. "Do you mind if I apply it, this should be the last time we need to." I knod my head unable to think of anything to say.
She lifts my shirt from my side and starts to gently apply the salve in swirling motions, it's colder than I remember and tingles, I didn't feel the tingle the last time. She seems to be humming to herself in a comforting melodic tune, slipping me into a calmer state of mind as I listen to her. She moves her way slowly to my shoulder, she's so close I can feel her breath on my skin, sending tingles down my spine. What is this feeling? She swirls the salve on my shoulder in short small circles making sure to cover every inch, and then stands up. "Does that hurt as bad as last time?" I shake my head no, it definitely didn't hurt, but it did leave me confused. "You know my name but I don't know yours." She smiles again, a devious glint in her eye. "In time you'll know, I have to leave now but my people will take care of you, no need to fret."

My apologies for this part taking so long to come out everyone has been sick in this house. I will be on top of it from now on. As always if you like the story don't forget to like and comment. And I'm always up for constructive criticism. Hope y'all enjoyed it.

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