Part 8 Alicya

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Where am I? How did I get here? The last thing I remember is walking out of the shop with Avasa.. and now I'm in a dark room.

I look around me to try to find details of where I am.. as if that would even help. It's too dark. I try to stand but it feels like my legs are too heavy to move. "Hmmm. The human's finally awake." I snap my head to the sound of the voice but can only make out a dark figure in the corner. "Who are you? Why am I here?" No answer back, just an awkward shuffling noise as the figure moves closer to me. They move behind me and I can feel their breath on my neck. "Don't worry, I don't plan to hurt you. I just need you for a little... Leverage. Is all." I wiggle around trying to free myself from whatever is holding me down, getting frustrated with every attempt.
    They touch a finger to my cheek and all the weight disappears. "See no plan to hurt you. You can move around down here freely. You just can't leave. I've noticed Avasa has taken a liking to you and well. You see, I need something from her so what better way to get that than to have something she cares about in return. I can't make that deal if you're not alive." I didn't answer back. How did they get me here, I was with Avasa how did this happen? I chose not to ask the question, honestly it didn't feel like the most important thing at the moment. I nervously chuckled under my breath. "How can I be sure you won't hurt me?" Suddenly a light almost like a flame illuminated the room I was in and the figure stepped in front of me. He was tall, built, and had long hair up in braids. His eyes were green but almost empty. He had a beautiful, dark, complexion. His beard was rough and scraggly but somehow accentuated the attractiveness of his face. "There you've seen my face and I haven't tried to kill you yet. Does that help matters any?" I struggled to take my eyes from his. "No not really. What is it you need from Avasa?" He walked away And didn't say a word. Not my business, got it. I started searching the room for exits. There was one door right across from where I was sitting, it had a chain and a padlock keeping it closed. I was locked in. "Who are you?" He smirked at me as he was starting a fire in the woodstove. "Bastian." He said with a chuckle.
     What was this? Why was I attracted to him? I've never been this way, swooning over a man I didn't know. Especially a man who has seemingly abducted me. I gave up my escape for now and just sat there watching him.  He reminded me of Alister in a way, the way his shoulders was sculpted, his strong jawline. The sound of his voice gruff but strangely gentle all at the same time. I couldn't take my eyes off of him. He threw a few more logs into the fire and shut the door. "So what do human like you like to eat?" He asked as he wiped his hands on his pants. "I imagine the same as you do.  Couldn't bother to do research before taking me?" He rolled his eyes and smirked again. I rolled my eyes in retort. "Well I hope you like fish. I'm not going to hurt you, that was never my plan. As soon as I get what I need from Avasa you're free to leave free of any harm." I didn't trust what he was saying, not one bit, but I did hope it was true.

This one is short guys but the next part will be a good bit longer

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