Chapter 8

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Mumbo emerged from the portal and into a unfamiliar looking world the sky was tinted a sickly looking purple, he looked down at his feet and saw he was standing on some sort of platform the watcher simple engraved into it

“Where the hell am I”

  Mumbo takes a minute to scan the surrounding area he was in a town centre… maybe the servers shopping district Mumbo wasent sure, he starts to walk around looking at the different buildings one that catches his eye is a build with a face that kinda resembles himself in a way

He walks close spotting a sign at the entrance that read

“Grians friendly, unfriendly mob drop shop”

“This is Grains shop?... guess it makes sense” he says with a small laugh “but still where… where am i”

Grian was nowhere in sight even though Mumbo had jumped through the portal just moments after him, if he had to guess… Grians probably at his last saved position but.. Where in the world would that be

Everything here looked abandoned like whoever use to live here grabbed what they could and left, leaving the area to rot, it was eerie and Mumbo felt very uncomfortable… even wore he felt like something was watching him, watching his every move

Mumbo continues to walk around entering a large street with huge buildings lining the path, he didnt even have to ask this was grians builds he recognised the style, there was a sign on a building at the end of the street the building looked like a centrepiece and the sign read

“Downtown evo”

“Evo? Is that the name of this server… or just this area… this just keeps getting more confusing” Mumbo sighed

Nothing made sense every clue he had just led him into a wall and this atmosphere was so… unpleasant, he wanted to leave so bad… but he cant he needs to find grian


Grian finally got back in the portal opened  and he was back… but everything felt wrong… it felt twisted the sky was a sickly purple and he could see the eyes

“Why are they still here” grian grumbled as he looked back at the communicator… and his eyes widened

Grian joined the game
Grian has made the advancement [return under power]
Mumbo Jumbo joined the game
Mumbo Jumbo has made the advancement [return under power]

Mumbo followed him but how… where was he, and whats that achvancement thats not a normal one its… different

He looked around where he spawned

He was in the Grian Empire but the place look absolutely abandoned

“What the hell happened here” Grian asked himself as he knelt down and ran his fingers along the moss growing near his bed

He noticed one of his chests and it was empty then another and another, every single chest was empty but his inventory wasnt it still had everything inside from… the end fight

There was something very wrong here but other then the purple sky he couldn't quite put his finger on it

The eyes though…. Where they always there, he knows what it means… the watchers are watching him, he could see them cause he was a watcher himself, but honestly it makes them all the more unsettling…. Just seeing them staring feels so, so wrong

Grian shook his head to clear the thoughts, Mumbo was probably looking for him, probably why he was there in the first place

But the question is should he let Mumbo find him



Man you have no idea how happy I am to be able to write this story again

Being demotivated sucks so bad, definitely when you wrote your story to the point it's either boring or controversial, so yeah I just took a step back and rewrote it

Hope you like this better then

"Friend ship and forgiveness" storyline

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