Chapter 2: The Brothers

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"Thank you for the animals, Peach! By the way, where is Daisy?"

Peach loved Y/N like a little sister ever since they were kids but sometimes, she was jealous of her but it doesn't mean that she'll do something to her. Peach was kind to do this, including her sister, Daisy. "I think she's out to garden the flowers and plants."

Y/N giggled as she knew how Daisy was like obsessed with the plants and flowers, especially the daisies since she was named after them. "That's ok, Peach. Say hello to her from me, please."

Peach showed thumbs up as she watched Y/N going towards the shop that belonged to her brothers, Mario and Luigi. Their shop was located on the other side of the bridge. Y/N heard the folks again singing about her like how she wasn't a party girl and how of a nerd she was she kept quiet as she read her favorite book over again. But what she didn't know was that Wario was watching her from the corner with hearts in his eyes since she was the big beauty he had ever seen. Sure, he also finds Peach and Daisy beautiful but he found Y/N the most beautiful girl. He was a scary hunter in town that hated Y/N's brothers. They were like the most successful plumber workers in town/village they earned quite the money, something Wario also wanted. 

"Look, there she is!" Wario sighed dreamily. "Isn't she beautiful, Waluigi?"

"She sure is, Wario. When are you gonna marry her?" 

"Soon!" Wario felt determined to win Y/N's heart. and he went after her, leaving Waluigi to carry their bag of dead animals he had shot. But the folks kept being the singers when Y/N passed them while reading the book. 

Y/N was minding her own business to the point that she looked behind her to look at the folks but they immediately finished their song and went to continue with their work. She didn't like Wario as a lover or in a romantic way. she rejected him countless times, hoping for him to understand that he needed to move on and find a different girl to marry if he really wanted to get married that badly. Y/N felt thankful that he wasn't also after the sisters, Peach and Daisy since they were too kind. 

Wario landed in front of her. "Hello, Y/N."

"Bonjour, Wario." She then walked past him but that's when Wario rudely snatched the book away from Y/N's grasp. The girl scoffed inside and looked seriously at Wario. "May I have my book back?"

"How can you read this? There aren't any pictures here in his book," Wario said as he didn't still understand how Y/N was a woman and read this boring stuff. "It's time for you to pay on other stuff just like me." Y/N desperately tried to get her book back but Wario threw it rudely in the wet mud. Y/N's eyes were full of rage towards Wario and he even flinched! Y/N grabbed her book and used the cloth of her white piece of the dress to clean the book before setting it in her basket and that's when she heard yells and screams coming from... her brothers' shop?!

"Looks like they're in trouble," Wario chuckled but his jaw dropped when Y/N ignored him and ran towards the shop. They worked on fixing and learning stuff in their basement that had. 

Y/N ran towards the doors that led to their basement and opened the doors. She caught it as smoke came out and waited for a while before it cleared. Y/N stepped inside and called out to her brothers. "Mario?! Luigi?!" She was panicking.

That's when the gloved hands grabbed her naked and exposed ones, causing Y/N to flinch but she relaxed once it was just only Mario when the smoke cleared more. He wasn't wearing his usual cap on his head while Luigi was wearing his. "Mamma mia, Y/N! It's just-a-me."

Y/N sighed in relief, happy that her brothers were alright. "What's going on?"

Luigi looked to make eye contact and pointed toward the item that needed to get fixed. They panicked because the water splashed everywhere in the basement they luckily fixed the water before it got out of hand. Y/N decided to stay and help out a bit before talking to them. "Hey, Mario? Luigi? do you think that... I'm weird?"

Mario looked at it with Luigi joining. I was time the green plumber that took the word, which was Luigi while Mario was the red one. Luigi walked up to her and took her hand. "You are-a-not, sister. You are wonderful!"

Y/N sighed. "It's just that... I don't fit in and I have no one to talk to besides Peach and Daisy."

Mario stopped what he was doing and looked over again. "You will-a-find love one day, right, brother?" He nudged Luigi, to which he agreed. They believe that she'll find someone to spend their days with.

Y/N smiled, feeling thankful that she had supporting brothers before they continued to work. Y/N was an expert at their work as well so she taught herself how to fix them. The brothers told their sister that they need to deliver the item together so they will be leaving today since the deadline was today. Y/N accepted it since they did this frequently to deliver the items back to their clients. All of them were successful. After they finished the work, Y/N helped them pack and they were ready to go with the horse the three all shared, Philip. 

"Bye, brothers! Be careful!"

"Bye, Y/N! Take care fo yourself!"

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