Chapter 4: Room

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Meet the almighty King of the Koopas, Bowser. Y/N heard everything about the king but only as a child, then the info about him just disappeared into a thin air. Like he didn't exist. But he does and he's standing right in front of Y/N. She couldn't believe that he was the master of this castle. Bowser's history was sad yet understanding why he was known as a mean Koopa. His parents were cruel rulers that gave their own son, Bowser, a hard time being loved. Bowser was also a very spoiled prince. No wonder he changed into a mean one like his parents. 

Back to the point, Y/N was crying while she watched through the window how her brothers were taken back to the city by a spider carrier thing. It was made out of wood for sure. After some minutes passed, Bowser returned back upstairs to the tower. Y/N looked at Bowser with her crying eyes, causing him to flinch in secret inside. "You didn't let me say goodbye to them." She sobbed.

Bowser looked away showing no regret on his face after what he did. He rubbed his neck while an idea formed inside his head. His adopted son, Iggy, was the light that led Y/N to her brothers. Iggy was an object with his brother, Morton, who was a cogsworth, a clock. Some of Bowser's kids turned into objects such as his only daughter and some of his sons, one of them being his biological son. Bowser didn't dare to make eye contact as he felt still soft inside of him. What was happening? "I'll show you your room."

"My room? But I thought-" Y/N's eyes looked sad still as she didn't get to say goodbye to her brothers but she was a strong woman. 

Bowser looked at her, making to show no softness of him. "Well, do you want to stay in the tower?" He asked her fast.


"Then follow me." 

Y/N stood up as Bowser grabbed the candelabra, which was Iggy, who was light, and both of them went down the hallway. Y/N was always a curious human ever since she was a child so she took a look around the walls. It didn't look nice as it was full of beasts and this place looked like it have been... cursed. Legends say a lot about curses and other stuff. She didn't notice she stopped until she realized the Koopa was still walking ahead of her. She gasped, feeling scared of this dark place, and ran after him. She closed her eyes as she felt tears running down again. Bowser looked over his shoulder and saw that she was crying again. Again, he felt a soft spot for her and looked at Iggy for any advice.

"Say something to her, father," he whispered harshly against his ear.

Bowser took the advice and looked over his shoulder to look at Y/N. "I... hope you like it here. this castle is your home now so you can go anywhere you like. Except for the west wing."

"What's in the west wing?"

"It's forbidden!" Bowser said a little too loud and you can even hear a slight roar in it, causing Y/N to back away in fear. 

Bowser continued to walk with Y/N following behind him. Just nearly half a second later, Bowser arrived at the door and opened it for her to enter. She entered inside slowly. "Get comfortable immediately. The service will attend you soon." Bowser was lost for words until Iggy advised him to invite Y/N for dinner. "You will join me for dinner. That's not a request!" He then slammed the door shut. 

Y/N reached for it but it was too late. She gasped again and turned to face the bed. She felt so sad, empty, scared, trapped... She ran towards the bed and cried into it, missing her brothers dearly fast. After a while of crying, she heard a knock on the door. "Who is it?" She sniffed and asked softly. 

"This is service, dear," a kind voice said from the other side of the door, to which Y/N felt immediate comfort. 

Y/N went from her bed towards the door and opened it, expecting it to be humans until her shock, the voice came down below. She gasped and looked down, taking a step back, revealing to be cups and pots. "I thought you might like some tea."

"But you're... You're..." She didn't get to finish her sentence as she continued to back away until she hit the wardrobe. She gasped once the wardrobe spoke to her. She immediately giggled and sang in a tone, "Careful~"

"This is impossible." Y/N sat down on the bed and pressed her gentle fingers with her hand against her head. 

"Oh, I know it is. I'm Wendy the Koopaling. This is not my form as you can see and hear from my name," Wendy said as she leaned against Y/N's bed. "But here we are."

"Isn't she pretty, Mrs. Potts?" a new childish voice responded, to which Y/N looked down. 

"I know, Jr. Just don't spill," Mrs. Potts said in a gentle tone before pouring tea inside the little cup, to which he was Jr.

Y/N began to wonder since his name was Jr. Who was his father? She has no idea who her parents were. All she knew was that she grew up with her brothers in an orphanage. She gently grabbed the little Jr. and drank the tea. Once she was done, she set the cup down and thanked everyone for the company. 

"Oh! We must get going, my dear," Mrs. Potts said as she went towards the open door and Jr. said goodbye to Y/N before following the pot, and once all of the cups and pots left, Y/N closed the door, sighed, and sat down on the bed. 

Wendy seemed to notice. "What's wrong?"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2023 ⏰

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